Timothy Mar Shallita

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Timothy Mar Shallita

Timotheus Mar Shallita Youwala (born July 14, 1936 in Dure, Barwar Bala , Iraq ) is the former bishop of Barwar (Iraq) and current archbishop of the European diocese of the "Old Church of the East" .


The son of Khana and Zaia Odisho comes from the family of the Assyrian bishops of the Barwar region with the official name Yawallaha (Yahballaha, Youwala) and traditionally seat and burial place in the village Dure (Dera). Of them, only Mar Ishoˁyahb Yawallaha (1840–1918; deposed in 1907 by Shimun XXI. ) From 1903 had ecclesiastical fellowship with the Pope in Rome. After the death of his successor Mar Yalda Yawallaha (* 1890; in office 1907 to † November 18, 1950), a six-year vacancy occurred due to the young age of the two nephews (then 16 and 12) . Metropolitan Yosip Khnanisho X., the highest-ranking representative of the Assyrian Church of the East in the Orient, appointed a priest (Kasha Oushana) as “ archdeacon ” and diocesan administrator on December 3, 1950, with general approval , whereas the two cousins ​​designated for the episcopate initially received the necessary training should undergo. Shallita was ordained a deacon on September 3 (or 1) September 1954 by the aforementioned Metropolitans . In competition with his younger cousin, Mar Andreos Yawallaha († June 17, 1973), who was ordained bishop on July 14, 1957 at the age of 19 by Mar Yosip Khnanisho X. Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Jacob III to confer episcopal ordination without definitely joining his communion. In 1961 he fled his diocese to Mosul before the Iraqi Kurdish War and left Iraq in 1963. From 1967 he works from Germany for Assyrian Christians in Europe. In 1969 he took part in the appointment of Catholicos Patriarch Addai II and officiated for the Church of the Assyrian Altkalendarier as Archbishop of Europe based in Mainz-Kastel .

In the “Assyrian Church of the East”, the Barwar region is now a parish of the “ Duhok and Russia” diocese , headed by Bishop Isaac Joseph (* 1959) from Barwar.

Pictures and videos


  • Timothaeus Mar Shallita: Church of the East in Europe and America . Self-published, Mainz-Kastel 1986.
  • James Farwell Coakley: The Church of the East since 1914. In: Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. 78: 3 (1996), pp. 179-198, esp. 188.
  • Sargon George Donabed: Iraq and the Assyrian Unimagining. Illuminating Scaled Suffering and a Hierachy of Genocide from Simile to Anfal. Diss. Univ. of Toronto, 2010, pp. 166-168.
  • Geoffrey Khan: The neo-Aramaic Dialect of Barwar. 3 volumes, Brill, Leiden 2008, ISBN 978-90-04-16765-0 .
  • Orthodoxia 2012–2013. Eastern Church Institute, Regensburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-905949-03-2 , pp. 45f.

Single receipts

  1. ^ Death Of The Bishop Of Barwar . In: Light from the East. 4.1 (1960/51) p. 1.