Titus Pomponius Mamilianus Rufus Antistianus Funisulanus Vettonianus

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Titus Pomponius Mamilianus Rufus Antistianus Funisulanus Vettonianus (full name form Titus Pomponius Titi filius Galeria Mamilianus Rufus Antistianus Funisulanus Vettonianus ) was a Roman politician living in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD . In the military diplomas his name is given as Titus Pomponius Mamilianus .

Military diplomas dated May 8 and June 12, 100, prove that Mamilianus 100 was a suffect consul with Lucius Herennius Saturninus ; the two consuls exercised this office from May 1st to June 30th. They are also proven in this function by the Fasti Ostienses .

His full name is evidenced by an inscription. Mamilianus was registered in the Tribus Galeria . He was believed to be the adopted son of Lucius Funisulanus Vettonianus .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Military diplomas of the year 100 ( Chiron-2008-326 , CIL 16, 46 , RMD 3, 142 ).
  2. Margaret M. Roxan : Roman Military Diplomas 1985–1993 (= University of London, Institute of Archeology. Occasional Publications, Volume 14). Institute of Archeology, London 1994, pp. 258-259, No. 142, note 6.
  3. Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: Moesia and his troops. New diplomas for Moesia and Moesia superior. In: Chiron , Volume 38 (2008), pp. 317-377, here p. 326 ( online ).
  4. Fasti Ostienses ( CIL 14, 244 ).
  5. Inscription ( CIL 7, 164 ).