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Tiwerzen (Тиверцы) on the map of East Slavic tribes in the 7th to 8th centuries

The Tiwerzen ( Russian Тиверцы , Ukrainian Тиверці ) were an East Slavic tribe in the 10th century in what is now the Republic of Moldova and western Ukraine .


The Tiwerzen settled on the lower Dniester and the Prut and later moved to the Danube and the Black Sea .

In the north their territory bordered the Volhynians , in the east on the Ulitschen , and later on Turkish nomads. In the west, their settlement area overlapped with the Dacians .

In the area between the Dnestr and the Prut, the remains of some Slavic settlements have been preserved (e.g. in Alcedar and Echimăuţi ), which are associated with the Tiwerzen.


The Tiwerzen were first mentioned when they took part in Prince Oleg's campaign from Kiev to Constantinople in 907 . In 944 they followed Prince Igor to Constantinople. After that they were not mentioned again.

Under pressure from the Pechenegs and Polovzians , they moved west in the 12th century. There they possibly merged with remnants of a Romanesque population (Moldau).



  1. ^ "Ulitschen and Tiwerzen, who had sat on the Dniester, moved to the Danube; but the majority of those who sat on the Dniester moved to the sea, and some of their castles are still there today ” , « улучи и тиверьци седяху бо по Днѣстру, присѣдяху къ Дунаеви; бе множьство ихъ, сѣдяху по Днѣстру оли до моря, и суть гради ихъ и до сего дне » , Nestor Chronicle around 1116
  2. The Tver Chronicle from the 15th century mentions them for the 9th century, when Askold and Dir are said to have fought with them and for 885 to the tributary tribes under Prince Oleg. Both are probably later additions, the earlier versions of the Nestor Chronicle do not mention them in this context.
  3. cf. Mention that they moved to the Danube and the Black Sea