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The Ulitschen (Уличи) in the 7th and 8th centuries

The Ulitschen ( Russian Уличи ) were an East Slavic tribal association on the lower Dnieper and on the Black Sea coast .

Settlement area

The Nestor Chronicle names the lower Dnepr as a settlement area and from there the area between the southern Bug and the lower Dniester . The main castle was Peresetschen , the location of which is unknown. Archaeologists suspect it was in a large settlement near Dnipropetrovsk . On the Dnepr, they were the immediate neighbors of the Polyans around Kiev , which is why they were exposed to repeated attacks by the Kiev princes.

The Nestor Chronicle writes elsewhere that the Ulitschen had settled with the Tiwerzen on the lower Dniester. At what point in time this happened is unclear, perhaps in the course of a displacement by the Pechenegs to the west and north.


The Bavarian geographer mentions the Unlizi tribe with a total of 418 castles in the 9th century . Constantine VII. Porphyrogennetus mentions the middle of the 10th century in his De Administrando Imperio Ultinois ( Ο'υλτίνοις ).

In old Russian chronicles Ulutschi are mentioned for the first time in 885, when the Kiev prince Oleg fought against them. In 907 they did not take part in his campaign against Constantinople .

There were also fights with Igor in 922 and 940 . It was not until 942 that the Ulits could be subjugated and since then have been part of the Kievan Rus. After that they are no longer mentioned.

Archaeological research

The Ulitschen are associated with the Penkowka culture . According to archaeological research, the Ulitschen area ranged from the Ros in the north to the Dnestr in the west.


  • Б. Рыбаков: Уличи. Краткие сообщения Ин-та Материальной Культуры ; Moscow, Leningrad, 1950
  • Д. Березовец: Поселения уличей на Тясмине ; Материалы и исследования по археологии СССР 108; Moscow, 1963
  • A. Bolșacov-Ghimpu: A propos des oulitchies ; in: Revue des etudes sudest europeennes 12/1974