Tommaso Stigliani

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Tommaso Stigliani

Tommaso Stigliani (* 1573 in Matera ; † 1651 in Rome ) was an Italian poet and Knight of Malta . He composed songs and other poetic works.


Stigliani was the author of the epic Il Mondo nuovo , the first 20 songs of which came out in 1617 and were modeled on the Hellenistic epic Aithiopiká by the Greek writer Heliodoros . Stigliani published the final version in 1628 with a length of 34 chants, which were brought out by Mascardi in Rome. In Stigliani's “Poema” two storylines can be distinguished from each other: One has a warlike-heroic character and, similar to a crusade description, primarily tells the story of the conquest, while the actual “scoperta” is less considered. The second storyline, which repeatedly mixes with the narrative of the conquest, is about adventures and love stories. It shows novel-like features in the tradition of Ariost's Orlando furioso and other chivalric novels . He also uses exotic and wonderful elements. In doing so, he adopts elements from different traditions.

Stigliani was also the author of Dello occhiale (1627), an astute, destructive parodic analysis of Giambattista Marino's Adone , which he accuses of a lack of unity, excessive imagery and violation of the rules of good taste. Stigliani therefore criticizes Adone as a loose series of madrigals (“poema di madrigali”) and thus coined a cliché that has persisted in literary historiography to this day.

Stigliani's work Rime, distinte in otto libri , published in Venice in 1605, was put on the index by decree of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of November 18, 1605 due to alleged obscenity .



  • Il Polifemo . nella stampa dal q. Pacifico Pontio impressore archiepiscopale, Milan 1600 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Rime, distinte in otto libri cioè . Giovanni Battista Ciotti, Venice 1605 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Il mondo nuovo . 1st edition. per Alessandro Bazacchi, Piacenza 1617 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Il mondo nuovo . 2nd Edition. Appresso Giacomo Mascardi, Rome 1628 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Il canzoniero del signor caualier fra 'Tomaso Stigliani . per l'erede di Bartolomeo Zannetti, Rome 1623 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Dello occhiale opera difensiua del caualier fr. Tomaso Stigliani. Scritta in risposta al caualier Gio. Battista Marini. Dedicato all'eccellentiss. sig. conte D'Oliuares . appresso Pietro Carampello, Venice 1627 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  • Lettere del caualiere from Tomaso Stigliani dedicate al sig. prencipe di Gallicano . per Domenico Manelfi, Rome 1651 ( limited preview in Google book search).

Web links

Commons : Tommaso Stigliani  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jesús Martínez de Bujanda , Marcella Richter: Index des livres interdits: Index librorum prohibitorum 1600–1966 . Médiaspaul, Montréal 2002, ISBN 2-89420-522-8 , pp. 857 (French, Google digitized version ).