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Tonsils or tonsils are lymphatic organs in the area of ​​the oral cavity and throat . In their entirety they form the lymphatic ring of the throat . When one speaks of tonsils, one usually means the palatine tonsils ( tonsilla palatina ) , which are located at the rear end of the palate between the two palatal arches ( arcus palatoglossus and arcus palatopharyngeus ).

Tonsils are the first station in the body where bacteria are located and thus function as a detector of harmful organisms.


Almonds are collections of lymph nodes ( lymph follicles ) delimited by connective tissue directly under the epithelium of the mucous membrane . To enlarge the surface, the almond can bulge out a bulge of the mucous membrane (bed almond), almonds without a relief formation on the mucous membrane are called flat almonds. The lymphoreticular tissue is often arranged around dimples ( fossulae tonsillares ) and the epithelial pockets sunk into the (palatine) tonsils, the so-called crypts ( cryptae tonsillae ), so that the tonsils have a jagged surface relief. Most almonds are underlain by irrigation glands .


Bilateral tonsillitis

Due to the direct contact with food and the fissured surface, inflammation, especially of the tonsils ( tonsilla palatina ), is quite common ( tonsillitis ). They cause a sore throat and a fever . In certain cases a removal ( tonsillectomy ) may be necessary.

Growths ( hyperplasias ) can affect any tonsil. In the case of the pharynx , they are called adenoids ("polyps") and are usually surgically removed ( adenotomy ).

Almond stones are whitish lumps that arise in the tonsils and can be expelled into the mouth. While they're not harmful, they can be the cause of bad breath.

See also


  • Uwe Gille: Cardiovascular and immune system, Angiologia . In: Franz-Viktor Salomon et al. (Hrsg.): Anatomie für die Tiermedizin . Enke-Verlag Stuttgart, 2nd ext. Edition 2008 ISBN 978-3-8304-1075-1 , pp. 404-463.

Web links

Commons : tonsils  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files