Torin's passage

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Torin's passage
Studio Sierra Entertainment
Publisher Sierra Entertainment (PC)
platform PC ( Windows )
genre Point & Click Adventure
Game mode Single player
control Keyboard Mouse
system advantages
100% IBM PC compatible computer - Windows 95 / NT - 486 DX2 66 - 8 MB - Soundblaster or 100% compatible - CD-ROM Double Speed ​​- 5 MB hard disk - mouse
medium 1 CD-ROM
language German
Age rating
USK released from 0

Torins Passage is a PC game by Sierra Entertainment which was released in 1995.


Even as a child, an evil spirit tries to kill the main character Torin, but his midwife saves him into the night while his parents are killed. He is taken in by a peasant couple, with whom he spent a happy childhood. The years go by and everything seems to be perfect. Only the mothering by his parents bothers Torin a little. He feels chosen for something bigger. Then it happens: as he makes his way into town, his adoptive parents are kidnapped by the witch Lycentia. As a hero, Torin sets out into the underworld, where the sorceress was banished many years ago. But he doesn't have to make the trip alone: ​​He also receives help from his loyal assistant Boogle, who can transform himself into various objects.

Torin's home planet “Strata” consists of five nested hollow worlds, all of which have to be traveled through with the help of phenocrystals. In doing so, he crosses the threshold of adulthood unnoticed - because there are many dangers and obstacles on his way. His past also catches up with him.


Al Lowe , the designer of the Leisure Suit Larry series, created this fairytale-like game, which in some ways resembles King's Quest 7 by Roberta Williams .

Web links

Torin's Passage at MobyGames (English)