Touchdown (novel)

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Touchdown (in the original Playing for Pizza ) is a novel by John Grisham published by Heyne Verlag in 2007 .


The novel is about the American NFL - quarterback Rick Dockery , who failed as a second backup quarterback in a crucial game. His agent can therefore not renew his contract in the NFL, he continues to face legal difficulties. So Dockery reluctantly accepts the offer from the Parma Panthers , an Italian football team.

Once in Italy, it turns out that the team is just a hobby team in which only the Americans are paid. The promised cheerleaders don't exist either.

Initially the season wasn't going well, and after a long weekend of drinking, Dockery was put on the bench by the coach. Only when he apologizes to the team and shows his full commitment does the season begin. After beating the Bergamo Lions, who have been unbeaten in 67 games, and after turning down an offer from Canada, the Panthers are on their way to the Superbowl, which they then win.

In addition to the central plot, American football, Grisham describes the culture and food in Italy in detail. For Dockery, these initially represent a bit of a culture shock - as an American, he's not used to sitting together for hours to eat. Over time, however, he gets to know and love both. He is also encouraged by his American friend Livvy, who, contrary to her parents' wishes, prefers to stay in Italy.
