Toussaint Renucci

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Toussaint Renucci (* 1889 in Tallone ; † August 22, 1969 in Clermont-Ferrand ) was a French Romanist and Italianist .

life and work

Renucci, father of the Romanist Paul Renucci , passed the Agrégation in Italian in 1929 and was a high school teacher at the Lycée Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand . He completed his habilitation in 1943 with two theses on Gabriele Simeoni and became professor of Italian at the University of Clermont-Ferrand (retired in 1960). Renucci was a Knight of the Legion of Honor (1954).


  • Un Aventurier des lettres au XVIe siècle, Gabriel Syméoni (1509-1570) , Paris, Didier, 1943.
  • (Ed.) Gabriele Symeoni florentin (1509-1570?), Description de la Limagne d'Auvergne. Traduction française par Antoine Chappuys du Dialogo pio e speculativo , Paris, Didier, 1943 (critical).


  • Les Langues neo-latines 63, 1969, p. 111 (obituary).

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