Carrier (measurement theory)

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The carrier of a measure is a term from measure theory , a branch of mathematics that deals with generalized volume concepts. Similar to the carrier of a function in analysis, the compactness of the carrier guarantees certain properties such as the integrability of continuous functions.


Let a Hausdorff space and a Radon measure (in the sense of an internally regular , locally finite measure ) be given , the Borel σ-algebra .

If the (possibly uncountable) family of open -null sets, then is

the largest open zero set in terms of set-theoretical inclusion . Your complement is called the carrier of , so


Alternatively, there is also the notation .


The fact that there really is a null set can be seen as follows: If and compact, there is a finite coverage of by the definition of compactness . So is due to the monotony of measure . But since the inside is regular, it follows .


  • If the carrier of a Radon measure is compact, then all continuous functions can be integrated, i.e. is
  • Conversely, on a σ-compact , locally compact Hausdorff space, in which applies to a radon measure , the carrier of this radon measure is always compact.

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