Trentino TV

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Infobox radio tower icon
Trentino TV
TV station (under private law)
reception UHF 31 single frequency network , frequency 554 MHz
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission 1981
language Italian , German , Ladin
Seat Bolzano , Trento
List of TV channels

The Italian - German - Ladin private television station Trentino TV , formerly Telecommerciale Alpina (TCA) , was broadcast for the first time in 1981 in Bolzano , South Tyrol . The transmitter is located in Bolzano and Trento . The topics include news and local things in the Trentino-South Tyrol area .

With the advent of digital terrestrial television, Telecommerciale Alpina underwent a radical makeover and in 2009 changed its name to Trentino TV, often with the acronym TCA. From then on, the station acted as the parent company for the associated special-interest stations, which specifically cater to the three minorities Ladin, Fersentaler and Cimbri . The thematic channels are:

  • Alto Adige TV
  • Südtirol TV (in German)
  • Tele Minoranze Linguistiche (TML, German: television of the linguistic minorities )
  • TNN
  • SHOP in TV
  • InfoTrentino

Web links