Triple edema

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The Trielödem is a phenomenon which in cattle , rare even in horses and sheep can show when on pastures to be transferred, which are m high above the 2500th Triel edema is a chronic subcutaneous edema . It arises as a result of the lower oxygen partial pressure due to the altitude. The lack of oxygen creates a so-called cor pulmonale , i.e. hypertrophy of the right ventricle , as the body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen by increasing the heart's pumping capacity.

These changes cause the blood to back up in the so-called great circulation, i.e. the body's circulation ; this results in an increased leakage of liquid from the vessels into the surrounding tissue.

Triel edema is also known as brisket disease , as the so-called triel area or brisket describes the part of the body where the edema mostly occurs ( lower neck area ). Another synonym is High Mountain Disease (Noninfectious, congestive heart failure (CHF) of cattle).
