Trilinear coordinates

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Trilinear coordinates (more precisely homogeneous trilinear coordinates ) are triangular section a of Julius Plucker , imported tool to the position of a point with respect to a triangle to describe.

Definition and spelling

A triangle ABC is given. For any point P of the plane of hot three real numbers , and (homogeneous) trilinear coordinates of P, if there is a different from 0 real number is, so that

applies. Here denote , and the signed distances of point P from the straight line BC, CA or AB. The size is given a positive sign if P is on the same side of BC as corner A, and a negative sign if P and A are on different sides of BC. The other two signs are determined accordingly.

The totality of the trilinear coordinates of a point is written either as an ordered triplet or in the form .


Trilinear coordinates are not clearly defined: Multiplication with any real number other than 0 yields trilinear coordinates of the given point.


  • The corners A, B and C of the given triangle have the trilinear coordinates , respectively .
  • The inscribed center of a triangle has the trilinear coordinates because it has the same distance from all three sides of the triangle.
  • For the center of gravity of a triangle, the trilinear coordinates are equivalent or or . In this case, a, b, c for the side lengths , , for the sizes of the internal angles and for the cosecant .

Relation to the barycentric coordinates

There is a simple relationship between the trilinear coordinates and the barycentric coordinates , which are also frequently used in triangular geometry : If the trilinear coordinates are given by, then barycentric coordinates are obtained , where a, b and c stand for the side lengths.


In many cases, trilinear coordinates enable the use of algebraic methods in triangular geometry. For example, there are three points , and with the trilinear coordinates

if and collinear when the determinant

equals 0. The dual statement for this sentence is also correct: three straight lines passing through the equations


are given have a common point if and only if applies.


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