Troll and Dragon

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Troll & Dragon
Game data
author Alexandre Eherit
graphic Paul Mafayon
publishing company LOKI
Publishing year 2018
Art dice game
Teammates 2 to 5
Duration about 20 minutes
Age from 7 years

Troll & Dragon is a dice and children's game by the French game designer Alexandre Eherit . It was released in 2018 together with SOS Dino and Farmini as one of the first games by the French children's play brand LOKI; in Germany it is distributed by Hutter Trade .

Theme and equipment

Troll & Dragon is a dice game with a push-your-luck mechanism in which up to five players try to collect and bring out as many diamonds as possible from a troll's cave and gold nuggets from a treasure chamber guarded by a dragon before they are taken from or from the troll Dragons get caught.

The game material consists of a set of instructions

  • 60 diamonds,
  • 50 gold nuggets,
  • four diamond cave cubes,
  • two treasury cubes,
  • two dragon dice,
  • five adventurer bags,
  • a troll hand, as well
  • the diamond cave and the treasure chamber in the game box.

Style of play

To prepare for the game, the diamonds are filled into the troll's cave and the gold nuggets into the treasury. Each player receives an adventure sack of their choice, the dice and the troll hand are placed in the middle of the playing field.

Starting with a starting player, the players try to get as many treasures as possible one after the other. Each player can first visit the troll's cave and then the treasure chamber and collect treasures there.

In the troll cave the active player throws the four diamond cave dice and may take a diamond from the cave for each diamond symbol and place it next to his bag. These dice can then be rolled again. If the player rolls a key or a door lock symbol, he may keep these dice or roll them again. If he rolls a troll symbol, this die is inactive and may no longer be rolled. The player can decide at any time to leave the cave and can then put the diamonds he has collected on his bag. If all dice are inactive, however, he has lured the troll and must hand over his collected treasures and place them on the troll hand. If the player has a key lock and a door lock, he can choose to go to the treasure chamber with the dragon.

If the player goes into the treasure chamber, the next player takes the two dragon dice and he gets the two treasure chamber dice himself. Now both players roll both dice and the active player takes gold nuggets according to the number rolled. The opponent passes the dice in turn and as soon as a player has thrown a kite, he says it out loud. Here, too, the active player can announce at any time that he is leaving the cave and then put all treasures from both chambers on his bag. If he does not do this and the opponents roll a second dragon, he loses all treasures to the player who threw the second dragon. He also gets the treasures that the troll has collected.

The game ends when one of the two chambers is empty. The winner is the player who has collected the most and most valuable treasures; a gold nugget is worth three diamonds. In the event of a tie, the player with the most gold nuggets wins.

Expenses and reception

The game Troll & Dragon was developed by Alexandre Eherit and the graphic design was implemented by Paul Mafayon . In 2018 the game was published as a multinlingual game in French, German, Italian, Spanish and English under the newly founded LOKI brand of the French game publisher IELLO .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g Instructions for use Troll & Dragon , LOKI 2018.
  2. ^ Troll & Dragon , versions at BoardGameGeek. Accessed December 1, 2018 .

Web links