Tryphon (saint)

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St. Tryphon frees the daughter of Emperor Gordian from a demon, cycle of paintings in the chapel of the Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni , Venice, Vittore Carpaccio (around 1465–1525 / 6), around 1507

Tryphon (* around 232 in Sampsados ​​( Phrygia ), † around 250 in Nicaea ) was a Christian martyr . He is venerated as a saint by the Orthodox as well as the Catholic Church . Legend has it that he was a simple goose-farmer who, thanks to his strong faith, was gifted with the grace to cure all kinds of diseases. He was said to have the power to cast out demons.

Tryphon fell victim to the persecution of Christians under Emperor Decius . When he was 17 years old, Tryphon was denounced as a Christian at the Prefect Aquilinus in Nicaea, captured, tried, tortured and finally beheaded.


In the Troparion for the feast of the saint it says: In your power he defeated the tyrants and broke the impotent power of the demons. His cult spread from his grave in Sampsados ​​to Constantinople, Nicaea, Sicily, southern Italy and Dalmatia. He is regarded as the patron saint of gardeners and winemakers, in Bulgaria as the patron saint of wine and is the diocese and city patron of Kotor and co-patron of Italy. In the Greek Church, the tryphon blessing has been given against evil spirits and harmful insects since the 12th century. The feast of St. Tryphon is today in both churches on February 1st . "Sveti Trifun" is celebrated on February 14th in the Serbian-Macedonian Orthodox Church . It used to be celebrated in the Catholic Church on November 10th. That was the day when his bones were brought to Rome in the 9th century . Tryphon relics are also venerated in Kotor Cathedral.


According to a Russian legend, a falconer flew away from Ivan the Terrible and the falconer feared for his life. In his dream Tryphon appeared to him riding on a white horse and with the falcon on his fist. The next morning he found the bird in the same place where Tryphon had appeared to him in a dream one night.


In early depictions in the Cappadocian cave churches, Tryphon is always shown as a very young man with a cross of hands. Similarly, he is still depicted on Orthodox icons today. In the Catholic area, depictions in Roman military clothing have also been common since the Baroque period. Mixing with another martyr legend may be the cause. The lesser-known St. Respicius, who was martyred with Tryphon, is said to have been a soldier.

On Russian icons, Tryphon is also depicted with a falcon on his fist.

The name of the saint

Tryphon means smashers. In Italy, where he is much revered, the shape is Trifone common in the Southern Slavs Trifun or Trifon or Tripun .


Web links

Commons : Tryphon (saint)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files