Tunnel over the Pleisse

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Tunnel over the Pleiße was the name of a social club in Leipzig , which served as a camouflage for the meetings and discussions of oppositional artists, publishers, scientists and merchants during the pre-March period .

The association was founded in March 1828 at the suggestion of the composer Heinrich Marschner and the theater critic Friedrich Gleich , who both stayed in Leipzig for a few years at the time. They met every Saturday to express themselves undisturbed on artistic and political issues and to avoid censorship through humorous "nonsense" under the patronage of Till Eulenspiegel . This included special names in the club and a confusing language: short became too long, good too bad, etc. An arriving person was asked “What do you want here?” He had to answer “Nothing” with his hand in front of his face. Then everyone stood up and shouted "You can get this here". The participants had to make their own contributions to the meeting in the form of poems or songs, so-called “chips”. This is how, for example, the Marschner Tunnellieder , opus 46 , came about .

House sign of the Gasthof Zum Birnbaum , meeting place of the association

The bizarre name of a tunnel over the Pleiße jokingly referred to the tunnel construction under the Thames that began in 1825 and was analogous to that of the Berlin literary society Tunnel over the Spree . A second name was "The (yes, that!) Peter's Sunday company". The meetings, which were also referred to as the tunnel , took place in the Gasthof Zum Birnbaum on Hainstrasse, which was renamed the Hôtel de Pologne in 1832 . It had its own library and later a reading room with the latest newspapers. Other sources also name the meeting rooms at Zum Pelikan (Neumarkt 29) and Zills Tunnel . Initially a closed circle, the society opened up to the Leipzig public in 1831.

Members of the association included the writers and poets Karl Herloßsohn , Heinrich Laube , Karl Gutzkow , Roderich Benedix and Adolf Böttger , the publishers Otto Wigand , Raimund Härtel , Anton Philipp Reclam and the musicians Christian August Pohlenz , Friedrich Wieck , Carl Friedrich Zöllner and Albert Lortzing .


  • Rolf Parr: Sunday party of Peter / Tunnel over the Pleiße [Leipzig]. In: Handbook of literary and cultural associations, groups and fractions 1825–1933. Metzler, Stuttgart, Weimar 1998, ISBN 3-476-01336-7 , pp. 416-418.
  • Horst Riedel: Stadtlexikon Leipzig from A to Z . Pro Leipzig, Leipzig 2005, ISBN 3-936508-03-8 , p. 606.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Münzer: Heinrich Marschner. Life and work . Severus Verlag, 2014, ISBN 978-3-95801-073-4 (digital)
  2. Tunnel songs
  3. Leipzig in March
  4. Leipzig Lexicon