Udo Skladny

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Udo Skladny, 2011

Udo Skladny (* 1932 ) is a German Protestant theologian , former leader of the Protestant Student Congregations (ESG) in East Berlin and GDR radio journalist.


After obtaining his higher education entrance qualification, Skladny studied Protestant theology in Greifswald . Then he made a 1959 dissertation on a topic from the tray Old Testament and became a doctor of theology doctorate .

From 1969 to 1973 he was Klaus-Peter Hertzsch's successor and head of the (East) Berlin office of the Evangelical Student Congregations (ESG). As part of his guiding and coordinating activity, he wanted to motivate the student communities to support the socialist development of the GDR. In 1970 he presented a theses paper according to which the Christians in the GDR were forced to take a clear partisan statement that would lead to a fundamental decision in favor of socialism . Skladny emphasized, however, that it is not the ESG as a church group, but only the Christian as a person who can and should work in the social structures of the GDR. He worked towards ending the partnership between individual communities in the GDR and West German communities, and he succeeded in driving a wedge between the office and the communities in the GDR.

Skladny resigned from the church service, became a radio journalist for the state foreign broadcaster of the GDR Radio Berlin International and then worked as a member of the international staff of the Christian Peace Conference in Prague .

Skladny is against equal rights for religious education in schools and advocates compulsory ethics teaching . In 2008 he was one of the signatories of an appeal “ Christians for the common school subject ethics ”. For the “ Humanist Association of Germany ” he also moderates roundtables in radio broadcasts as radio from senior citizens for senior citizens in the Berlin Open Channel .

In 2010 he signed an open letter of support to Margot Käßmann , chairwoman of the EKD , with which she was to be reinforced in her negative attitude towards German participation in the war in Afghanistan .

As a hobby, Skladny takes care of the " Biographies of People of the World on Stamps " in an international stamp association.

Udo Skladny is married to Waldtraut Skladny .


  • The older collections of sayings in Israel in their peculiarity. Diss. Theol. Greifswald 1959; as a book:
The oldest collections of sayings in Israel. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 1961: Licensed edition Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1962

Individual evidence

  1. according to this biographical information , after that he was 77 years old in 2009
  2. ^ Ehrhart Neubert : History of the opposition in the GDR 1949-1989 , ed. Federal Agency for Civic Education Berlin 1998, p. 284, ISBN 3-89331-294-3
  3. Quoted from Marc-Dietrich Ohse: Ostdeutscher Protestantismus und Prager Frühling , in: Siegfried Hermle u. a. (Ed.): Upheavals: German Protestantism and the social movements in the 1960s and 70s. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2007 (AKiZ B 47) ISBN 978-3-525-55748-8 , p. 142.
  4. Gerhard Besier , Stephan Wolf (ed.): 'Pastors, Christians and Catholics'. The Ministry for State Security of the former GDR and the churches, Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1991, p. 278, ISBN 3-7887-1416-6
  5. ^ Besier, Wolf, p. 278
  6. this biographical information describes it as "kicking out" from the church
  7. http://proethik.humanistische-union.de/start/detail/back/startseite/article/christen-fuer-das-gemeinsame-schulfach-ethik/
  8. http://www.hvd-berlin.de/radio-nicht-nur-von-senioren-und-nicht-nur-fuer-senioren
  9. http://www.asf-ev.de/aktuelles/nachrichten/2010/12010/und_danken_fuer_ihre_klare_sprache/
  10. http://ajward.tripod.com/stamps/0312.htm