Udo Wilken

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Udo Wilken (born November 11, 1939 ) is a German educational scientist, disabled educator and theologian.


After studying theology and pedagogy as well as psychology and sociology, Udo Wilken worked as a teacher and pastor in Göttingen and obtained his doctorate in philosophy.

In 1973 he was appointed to what is now the Faculty of Social Work and Health at the University of Applied Science and Art in Hildesheim and appointed professor for special education and rehabilitation of disabled people.

His research and publication focus, based on a theory of offensive rehabilitation and disabled education, are occupational and social rehabilitation, tourism, leisure and disability, rehabilitation in the 'Third World', economization of the social, history of disabled education as well as social ethics, parenting advice and self-help for the disabled . In 1999 he was awarded the Crown Cross of the Diaconal Work of the Evangelical Church in Germany.

Selected publications

  • Introduction to the world of work and business for physically and learning disabled special schools . Berlin 1972.
  • Professional integration of physically handicapped students with learning disabilities . Phil.-Diss. Hanover 1978.
  • Job - free time and disability. The importance of professional and social integration in the rehabilitation process for the physically handicapped with learning disabilities . Bonn 1980. ( pdf on the DIPF document server pedocs )
  • Live independently. Fields of action and chances of an aggressive education for the disabled . Hildesheim 1992. 3rd edition 1999. ( pdf on pedocs)
  • (Ed.): Social work between ethics and economics . Freiburg 2000. ( pdf on pedocs)
  • (Ed.): Tourism and handicap. A social-didactic course book for traveling for people with disabilities - tourism for everyone . Berlin 2002. ( pdf on pedocs)
  • with B. Jeltsch-Schudel (Ed.): Parents of disabled children. Empowerment - cooperation - advice . Stuttgart 2003.
  • with H. Stadler: Pedagogy for physical disabilities. Study texts on the history of disabled education . Volume 4. UTB Beltz, Weinheim 2004. ( pdf on pedocs)
  • (Ed.): Leisure time - ethics and disability. Conditions and opportunities for recreational culture participation for everyone . In: Spektrum Freizeit - Forum for Science, Politics & Practice . No. 2, 2006, pp. 7-28. ( pdf )
  • with W. Thole (Ed.): Cultures of Social Work. Profession and discipline in societal change . Wiesbaden 2010.
  • with B. Jeltsch-Schudel (Ed.): Parental work and disability. Empowerment - Inclusion - Wellbeing . Stuttgart 2014.
  • Slum tourism and social city tours - insights into social hot spots and the “social question” . In: Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege - German journal for social work . Volume 161. No. 5, 2014, pp. 185-188. https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/0340-8574-2014-5-185/slum-tourismus-und-soziale-stadtfuehrungen-jahrgang-161-2014-heft-5
  • Challenges in the design and marketing of barrier-free tourism. A forward-looking summary after 40 years . In: Journal of Tourism Science . No. 1, 2016, pp. 145–156. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/tw.2016.8.issue-1/tw-2016-0010/tw-2016-0010.xml
  • Compensatory gymnastics at the workplace of the workshop for disabled people . In: Werkstatt: Dialog . No. 2, 2016, pp. 44–47. ( pdf )
  • The importance of digitization for disabled people . In: Freericks, R., Brinkmann, D. (Ed.): Digital leisure 4.0. IFKA Bremen 2019, pp. 101–116.


  • Etta Wilken / Friedhelm Vahsen (eds.): Special education and social work - rehabilitation and social integration as a common task. Festschrift for Udo Wilken on his 60th birthday (with list of publications) . Luchterhand-Verlag, Berlin 1999 ( pdf )

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