Ugo Morin

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Ugo Morin (born February 7, 1901 in Trieste , † January 1, 1968 in Padua ) was an Italian mathematician who dealt in particular with algebraic geometry.

Morin studied at the University of Padua with the Laurea degree in 1926 with Annibale Comessatti , whose assistant he was. In 1935 he completed his habilitation and taught in Padua and from 1942 to 1945 at the University of Florence. From 1946 he was a professor in Padua as the successor to his teacher Comessatti. During World War II he played an important role in the Italian resistance. He was a member of the Partito d'Azione, which published the underground magazine L'Italia Liberta. After he turned against a fascist-tinged speech by the rector of the University of Padua in November 1943, he had to go underground. He was on the national liberation committee for Padua and from 1945 on that of Venice, whose president he became in August 1945 after negotiating the withdrawal of the German occupation forces in April.

He published several math school books.


  • Lezioni di Geometria . CEDAM, Padua, 4 volumes 1951 to 1960

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