Ulrich Meier

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Ulrich Meier (* 1948 ) is a German historian .


From 1969 to 1972 he studied mathematics, physics and history at the PH Bielefeld . From 1972 to 1973 he completed his legal clerkship. Degree: Second state examination , mathematics / physics, secondary level I. In 1973 he obtained the preliminary diploma in education. From 1973 to 1980 he studied philosophy and history at Bielefeld University . After receiving his doctorate in medieval history in 1991 (summa cum laude) and his habilitation in 2007 at Bielefeld University (Venia legendi for the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times), he was appointed adjunct professor in Bielefeld in 2009 .

His research interests are Italian and German urban history, the history of political theory in the Middle Ages and early modern times, historical semantics of the political, political iconography and the regional history of East Westphalia.

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