Ulrich Petrak

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Ulrich Petrak (born September 12, 1753 in Königseck , † July 6, 1814 in Ravelsbach ) was an Austrian Catholic theologian, poet and non-fiction author.

Petrak entered the Benedictine order in Melk in 1771 and became professor of theology at Melk Abbey High School . On June 1, 1786 he was elected prior of Melk Abbey , which he led liberally.

His poems have been published in the Vienna Muses Almanac , among others . Friends of the Benedictine monks Maximilian Stadler (composer) and Gregor Mayer (author), Petrak was in close contact with numerous other authors and welcomed Johann Baptist von Alxinger , Aloys Blumauer , Christoph Meiners and Ludwig Timotheus Spittler to the monastery .

From 1789 he lived as administrator of the monastery in Ravelsbach , where he died in 1814. The instructions he wrote there on saffron cultivation are also significant .


  • XII songs by Gellert set for the piano in music , poems set to music by Maximilian Stadler
  • Spiritual songs for the rural people , Vienna, Gerold, undated
  • Practical lessons in building saffron from Lower Austria , Vienna and Prague, Schönfeld's defeat, 1797


Web links

Wikisource: Ulrich Petrak  - Sources and full texts


  • Leipziger Literaturzeitung, March 11, 1815, p. 476
  • Johannes Frimmel: Literary Life in Melk. A monastery in the 18th century undergoing cultural change. Vienna, Böhlau, 2005