Ulrike Berendt

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Ulrike Berendt (* 1960 ) is a German social scientist.


From 1989 to 1995 she studied social sciences , journalism , communication sciences and law at the Ruhr University Bochum . Graduated in 1995 as Dipl.Soz.Wiss. (Applied social research with special sociology). From 1995 to 1997 she had a PhD scholarship from the Ruhr University Bochum and Veba-Immobilien GmbH. From 1995 to 2002 she was project manager at the InWIS Institute for Housing and Real Estate Management at the Ruhr University in Bochum. From 1997 to 1998 she was C1 assistant at the Chair of Political Science II at Heinrich Heine University (substitute). After completing her doctorate in social science (Dr. rer. Soc) in Bochum in 1998 , she represented the professorship for social work and education, especially family and housing, at the University of Duisburg from 1999 to 2002 . Since 2002 she has been teaching as a university professor for practice-oriented social sciences, in particular family and living, in Duisburg (later University of Duisburg-Essen), Faculty of Social Sciences.

Her main areas of teaching and research are family sociology and social change, intergenerational relationships and "old age", state and family, gender equality policy (in Europe), welfare state models and family policy, urban and housing sociology, urban and regional development, migration and the city, civil society and the city, Urban and Local Governance and Policy Field Analysis.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Volker Eichener: Attitudes of tenants towards privatization. Results of an intensive survey in the new federal states. Final report on the research project "attitude of tenants in the new federal states to privatization" . Bochum 1994, ISBN 3-930980-02-9 .
  • Housing supply and housing privatization in the new federal states. Problems of the housing industry under changed framework conditions from a socio-economic perspective . Bochum 1995, ISBN 3-930980-08-8 .
  • Placement opportunities for various groups of people looking for accommodation. An empirical study of people looking for accommodation in Dortmund . Bochum 1996, ISBN 3-930980-19-3 .
  • Satisfaction with housing and acceptance of housing-related services using the example of a housing association . Bochum 1997, ISBN 3-930980-20-7 .

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