
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logo of the German language Uncyclopedia
de.uncyclopedia.co/wiki (German version)
description Satire wiki with keyword articles, forum and various projects
Registration optional
languages many, including German and English
owner unknown
Originator unknown

The Uncyclopedia , "the content-free encyclopedia did anyone can edit" ( dt. "Can edit the content-free encyclopedia that anyone"), is by design and internal policies creates a parody on Wikipedia provides that however independent satirical content ( and not parodying Wikipedia articles per se).

It is based on the Wiki principle and uses the same software as Wikipedia. There is no collaboration with Wikipedia or an organizational affiliation.


The Uncyclopedia was founded at the beginning of January 2005 by "Jonathan Huang" after requests arose in the humor archive of the English language Wikipedia. Subsequently, the project grew so rapidly that Huang decided in May 2005 to host it on Wikia .

Due to differences with Wikia regarding permissible content and the necessary “content warning”, some of the English-speaking Uncyclopedia authors left the wikia-hosted platform in January 2013 and founded an independent Uncyclopedia as a “ fork ”. Older content is contained in both versions. Both platforms will continue to be actively maintained.

Currently (as of November 29, 2015) the German Uncyclopedia comprises 6,398 articles and is thus significantly smaller than the two other German-language Wikipedia parodies Kamelopedia (13,294) and Stupidedia (23,810). The English language Uncyclopedia contains 31,226 articles.

After the name change from Wikia to Fandom, it was announced that the Uncyclopedia country versions still hosted there would be switched off on March 31, 2019, as certain content of the Satirewikis violated the Fandom Terms of Use. The still active satirical wiki had to switch to other hosters.


code Wikia Uncyclopedia language
ar Yes اللاموسوعة العربية
ast Yes Nunyepedia Asturianu
be No Паўдурапедыя Беларуская
bg No Оксипедия Български
bn No আনসাইক্লোপিডিয়া বাংলা
bs No Neciklopedija Bosanski
approx Yes Valenciclopèdia Català
cs Yes Necyclopedia Česky
cy Yes Celwyddoniadur Cymraeg
there Yes Spademanns Leksikon Dansk
de Yes Uncyclopedia.de German
el Yes Φρικηπαίδεια Ελληνικά
en No Uncyclopedia (fork) English
eo Yes Neciklopedio Esperanto
it Yes Inciclopedia Español
et No Ebatsüklopeedia Eesti
fa No نانشنامه فارسی
fi No Hikipedia Suomi
fr Yes Désencyclopédie Français
got No Unsaiklopedia ??????
hey Yes אנציקלופדיה עברית
Mr No Neciklopediju Hrvatski
hu No Unciklopédia Magyar
id Yes Tolololpedia Bahasa Indonesia
it Yes Nonciclopedia Italiano
Yes No ア ン サ イ ク ロ ペ デ ィ ア 日本語
jv Yes Ndhablek Basa Jawa
km No Uncyclopedia.km ភាសាខ្មែរ
ko No 백괴사전 한국어
la Yes Necyclopædia Latina
lb No Kengencyclopedia Lëtzebuergesch
left No Kwatsjpedia Limburgs
lo No Uncyclopedia.lo ລາວ
according to No Juokopedija Lietuvių
lv No Neciklopēdija Latviešu
meta No UnMeta Uncyclomedia
mg No Hatsiklopedia Malagasy
mk No Википедија Македонски
ms No Bodohpedia Bahasa Melayu
nl No Oncyclopedia Nederlands
no No Ikkepedia Norsk
oc No Oisquipèdia Occitan
pl No Nonsensopedia Polski
pt No Desciclopédia Português
ro No Neciclopedie Română
ru No Абсурдопедия Русский
sk Yes Necyklopedia Slovenčina
sl No Butalopedija Slovenščina
sr No Нециклопедија Српски
see below Yes Goblogpedia Basa Sunda
sv No Psyclopedin Svenska
th No ไร้ สาระ นุ กรม ไทย
tl No Pekepedia Tagalog
tr No Yansiklopedi Türkçe
uk No Інциклопедія Українська
yi Yes קיינציקלאָפעדיע יידיש
zh Yes 伪 基 百科 汉语
zh-tw No 偽 基 百科 正 體 中文

The Uncyclopedia is a satirical project in its self- image . She claims that Wikipedia is a parody of the Uncyclopedia. In the self- image of its users, the Uncyclopedia aims to spread a satirical point of view (SPOV), which is meant as an allusion to the claim of the neutral point of view (NPOV) of Wikipedia.

Vandalism is eliminated in the Uncyclopedia and its perpetrators are excluded from the project. As in Wikipedia, what is to be considered as vandalism and what is to be removed is judged according to its own standards. Particularly successful articles are listed in the "excellent articles" category based on the wikipedian articles that are worth reading and excellent.


A running gag in the English Uncyclopedia is that almost every article contains a - mostly fictitious - "quote" from Oscar Wilde . The articles in the German-language Uncyclopedia often began earlier with a “quote” from David Hasselhoff . This common practice was changed within the German Uncyclopedia, because Hasselhoff is seen there as a figure of joke, but no longer as funny. Step by step, the Hasselhoff quotes were therefore replaced by Heinz Erhardt quotes or invented statements by famous politicians and celebrities.

For some time now, the German-language Uncyclopedia has also published articles with music, some of which offer very funny radio plays and satirical contributions.

Since spring 2007, the German-language Uncyclopedia has had the special projects “UnNews”, “UnBooks” and “Undictionary” based on the English model.

The domain Uncyclopedia.org is owned by the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales . According to his own statements, he bought the domain, but is no longer involved in the operation of the site.

In the humor criticism section of the satire magazine Titanic , the comparatively good quality of the Uncyclopedia's articles was praised and the opportunity to compare the humor of different countries was particularly emphasized.

Web links

Commons : Uncyclopedia  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://de.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Forum:Eine_Nachricht_von_Fandom Announcement of the Uncyclopedia shutdown by Fandom
  2. Titanic-Magazin, June 2007, article "Humorkritik", http://www.titanic-magazin.de/hk_0706.html?&tx_kharticlepages_pi1%5Bpage%5D=2&cHash=543d1436dc ( Memento from March 11, 2012 in the Internet Archive )