Under the Dome (documentary)

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German title Under the dome
Original title 穹顶 之下
Country of production People's Republic of China
original language Chinese
Publishing year 2015
Director Chai Jing

Under the dome ( Chinese  穹顶 之下 , Pinyin qióngdǐng zhī xià  - "Under the bell") is a Chinese documentary from 2015. The journalist Chai Jing deals with the causes and effects of the heavy smog that is prevalent in China lays a bell over numerous cities. According to scientific estimates, 350,000 to 500,000 people die each year in China as a result of air pollution.

The title Under the dome is borrowed from the science fiction novel of the same name by Stephen King and from a television series of the same name from the USA. Chai Jing's style is based on the documentary An Inconvenient Truth , in which Al Gore and Davis Guggenheim deal with climate change.

Under the Bell was published on the Chinese video platform Youku on February 28, 2015 . The People's Daily Renmin Ribao reported on the front page . Within 48 hours, the documentary was viewed over 126 million times on the Chinese Internet platform Tencent alone . There were at least 200 million hits in total. Environment Minister-designate Chen Jining signaled his support for the cause shortly before his inauguration. On March 6, just before the National People's Congress , the state censorship completely removed the film from the Chinese Internet.

Chai Jing financed the production costs entirely from private funds. Their own daughter was born with a benign tumor in 2006 . The doctors saw the reason for this in the enormous air pollution.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. China's 'airpocalypse' kills 350,000 to 500,000 each year The Telegraph, Jan. 7, 2014
  2. Yuan Ren: Under the Dome: will this film be China's environmental awakening? The Guardian, March 5, 2015
  3. a b Bernhard Zand: China's censorship makes smog filmmaker mundane spiegel.de, March 6, 2015