Ottaviani-Skorokhod inequality

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The inequality of Ottaviani-Skorokhod is a stochastic inequality within the area of the calculation of probabilities , which at the two mathematician Giuseppe Ottaviani and Anatoly Skorokhod back. It refers to finite families of stochastically independent real random variables and is a useful tool for proofs related to the strong law of large numbers .

Formulation of the inequality

Following the presentation by Heinz Bauer , the inequality can be stated as follows:

A probability space and a finite number of independent random variables are given
Be here for
Then for each index and for two real numbers and
the inequality

Corollaries: A Lévy Theorem and other corollaries

With the inequality of Ottaviani-Skorokhod the following theorem of the French mathematician Paul Lévy can be derived and some corollaries can be derived.

Levy's theorem says:

For every independent sequence of real random variables , the stochastic convergence of the series results in   the almost certain convergence of this series.

This gives the following corollary:

Is an independent sequence of real random variables with
so the series is almost certainly convergent.

From this corollary one can then directly obtain Kolmogoroff's criterion for the strong law of large numbers using Kronecker's lemma :

Is an independent sequence of integrable real random variables with
so the sequence satisfies the strong law of large numbers.


  1. The inequality of Ottaviani Skorokhod (and variations thereof) connect some authors only the name of Giuseppe Ottaviani and refer to them as inequality of Ottaviani or as ottavianische inequality ( English Ottaviani's inequality ). Often the case is dealt with on its own .
  2. In the university text by Peter Gänssler and Winfried Stute , the inequality appears (in a different and even more general version) as the Skorokhod inequality .
  3. The above representation of the inequality, which is based on independent real random variables, can also be formulated in a corresponding manner (for example) for independent Borel measurable random variables with values in a separable Banach space . The norm of the Banach space takes the place of the above absolute value function .


Original work


References and comments

  1. a b c Heinz Bauer: Probability Theory. 2002, pp. 107-113
  2. The real amount function is denoted by.
  3. Kolmogoroff's criterion is often referred to as Kolmogoroff's First Law of Large Numbers . Cf. Norbert Kusolitsch: Measure and probability theory: An introduction. 2014, p. 251!
  4. ^ J. Hoffmann-Jørgensen: Probability with a View toward Statistics. 1994, pp. 472-473
  5. Oleg Klesov: Limit Theorems for Multi-Indexed Sums of Random Variables. 2014, pp. 30–31
  6. TO Širjaev: Probability. 1988, p. 491
  7. P. Gänssler, W. Stute: Probability Theory. 1977, p. 101
  8. Michel Ledoux, Michel Talagrand: Probability in Banach Spaces. 1991, pp. 151-152