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A Progymnasium or a Untergymnasium is usually a special form of the Gymnasium . The term has different meanings in different countries.


In Germany, a Progymnasium is a general high school that is not fully developed, i.e. has not established all grades ; it usually ends after 10th grade. With the transfer certificate, the students have the opportunity to complete their Abitur at a nearby fully developed high school or a vocational high school .

The advantage of the Progymnasien lies in their small size, which often does not exceed 250 students.

Progymnasien are mostly found in smaller places in order to shorten the way to school for students and make it more bearable. Some Progymnasien are striving to expand to the upper level or have already implemented it.

In the past, the term was also used for newly founded high schools that were only gradually built up, ie the first grade level (sixth) was set up and the higher grades were only formed by the further transfer of this student year. Only when the first year had passed the Abitur were all grades available.


The Progymnasium or Untergymnasium is that part of the Gymnasium education in Switzerland that continues during compulsory schooling. See also canton school


In Lithuania the Progymnasium ( progimnazija ) is a general education school with 8 classes.


  • Ludwig Adolf Wiese : The higher school system in Prussia. Historical-statistical representation . Wiegandt & Grieben, Berlin, 2nd ed. 1869, pp. 72–74 ( digitized version of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).