Ludwig Adolf Wiese

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Ludwig Wiese

Ludwig Adolf Wiese (born December 30, 1806 in Herford ; † February 25, 1900 ) was a German educator and ministerial official.


Wiese received his first lessons in Königsberg in the Neumark , where his father worked as a military gunsmith. He later came to Kolberg , to the garrison school in Berlin and the Plamann educational institution. At Easter 1822 he finally entered the upper secondary school of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin, where he passed the school leaving examination at Easter 1826. He then completed his studies in theology and philology at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . At Easter 1829 he left the university and was preparing to enter the higher teaching post. With the dissertation De Valerii Messalae Corvini vita et studiis he was awarded a Dr. phil. and was able to replace the faculty examination with this degree.

On September 29, 1829 ( Michaelis ), Wiese started his probationary year at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin. As early as Easter 1830 he was employed there as a full teacher. In 1832 he moved to Clausthal as vice-principal , and Michaelis in 1833 as vice-principal of the grammar school in Prenzlau . Michaelis In 1838 he was appointed professor at the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin, where he was full professor for religion, German, Latin and Greek. In 1843 he turned down the call to the directorate of the St. Afra State School in Meißen. For this he received the title of alumnate inspector at the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium and was entrusted with the sole management of the alumnate . In 1848 he was appointed director of the Marienstiftsgymnasium in Stettin , which at the time was considered one of the most important in Prussia. However, at the urging of Minister Count von Schwerin, he renounced and stayed in Berlin for the time being. In July 1852 Wiese was appointed head of the department for higher education in the Prussian Ministry of Culture. From 1856 to 1870 he was also a member of the study commission of the cadet corps and the senior military study commission, from 1864 of the study commission of the war academy. In 1865 he was appointed a member of the senior examination commission for senior administrative officials.

In 1875 he retired and settled in Potsdam . After his death, a "Wiese-Spilleke Foundation" was set up from his private fortune to support needy senior teacher widows from high schools that were particularly close to him. Gymnasiums that no longer start teaching foreign languages ​​with Latin were excluded.


Wiese was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Theological Faculty of the University of Greifswald in 1879 . The University of Edinburgh awarded him the title of Doctor of Law in 1885 .

Works (selection)

  • Education and Christianity. Berlin 1852.
  • German letters about English education. Berlin 1852.
  • About the position of women in antiquity and in Christian times. Berlin 1854.
  • About the abuse of language. Berlin 1859.
  • The higher education system in Prussia. Historical-statistical representation. Berlin 1864-1902. Volume 1, Berlin 1864 ( full text )
  • Ordinances and laws for the higher schools in Prussia. Berlin 1867–1868
  • Memories and office experiences. Berlin 1886.


  • Friedrich Gustav Sorof: † Ludwig Wiese. In: The humanistic high school. Organ of the high school association. 11 (1900), pp. 81-99.
  • Günter Wirth: Ludwig Wiese - a Prenzlauer prorector who wrote Prussian school history. , In: Announcements of the Uckermärkisches Geschichtsverein zu Prenzlau. Issue 14, (2007), pp. 123-130.

Web links

Wikisource: Ludwig Wiese  - Sources and full texts