Corporate purpose

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The corporate purpose describes the area and the type of activity of a corporate sponsor .

In the case of companies, the object of the company must be distinguished from the purpose of the association (company purpose), which describes the ultimate purpose of the merger. The object of the company, however, describes the means used to achieve the purpose of the association.

According to Section 3 (1) No. 2 GmbHG and Section 23 (3) No. 2 AktG , the corporate purpose is the mandatory content of the articles of association of a GmbH and the articles of association of an AG . It must be entered in the commercial register of these companies ( Section 10 (1) GmbHG; Section 39 (1) AktG). The object of the company must be sufficiently individualized so that the focus of business activity emerges from it. However, a detailed description is not required.

The corporate purpose is the upper and lower limits of the management authority of the CEO . He is therefore obliged internally to the company not to conduct any business that is either outside the company's purpose or that leads to the company's object no longer being able to be fulfilled (so-called underruns of the articles of association).


Individual evidence

  1. Hartmut Wicke, in: Holger Fleischer , Wulf Goette (Hrsg.), Munich Commentary on the Law on Limited Liability Companies (GmbHG) . 2nd Edition. Volume 1, Munich 2015, § 3 Rn. 9.
  2. ^ Jörg Berwanger: Object of the company. Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon , accessed April 11, 2011 .
  3. Jens Koch , in: Uwe Hüffer (start), Aktiengesetz . 11th edition. Munich 2014, § 23 Rn. 22nd
  4. Lutz Michalski , in: Lutz Michalski (Ed.), Commentary on the Law on Limited Liability Companies (GmbH Law) . 2nd Edition. Volume 1, Munich 2010, § 3 Rn. 8th.
  5. Klaus-Dieter Stephan, Johannes Tieves, in: Holger Fleischer, Wulf Goette (Ed.), Munich Commentary Law on Limited Liability Companies (GmbHG) . 2nd Edition. Volume 2, Munich 2016, § 37 Rn. 53 ff.
  6. Wolfgang Zöllner , Ulrich Noack in: Adolf Baumbach (greeting), Alfred Hueck , GmbHG. Law on Limited Liability Companies . 20th edition. Munich 2013, § 35 Rn. 30th