Uncial 0220

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New Testament manuscripts
Uncial 0220
text Romans 4.23-5.3 (recto), 5.8-13 (verso)
language Greek
date 2nd half of the 4th century
Storage location Green Collection , Oklahoma
size 9 cm × 11 cm
category I.

Uncial 0220 (numbering according to Nestle-Aland ) is a fragment of a parchment code , which is palaeographically dated to the second half of the 4th century. It contains parts from the New Testament letter of Paul to the Romans 4, 23-5, 3, 8-13 in the Greek language . The fragment is about 9 cm × 11 cm, from originally about 15 × 13 cm. The text is written in one column in 14 (of the original 24) lines with small late classical uncials with no separation between the words. It is the oldest surviving fragment of these passages.

The manuscript was by Kurt Aland of Category I assigned. It was first dated to the 3rd century and was considered the second oldest parchment fragment of the New Testament until 2012. According to recent studies, however, it is more likely that it was built in the second half of the 4th century.

The manuscript was acquired in 1950 in Cairo by Leland C. Wyman, professor of biology in Boston . According to the seller, it comes from Fustat in Egypt . The next owner was John Rocks, also from Boston. In 1988 it came into the possession of the Schøyen Collection in Oslo (MS 113) after an auction . In 2012 it was offered at Sotheby’s and bought by the Green Collection in Oklahoma ; it is expected to be transferred to the new Museum of the Bible in Washington from 2017 .

Text editions

  • William Henry Paine Hatch: A Recently Discovered Fragment of the Epistle to the Romans. In: Harvard Theological Review 45 (1952), pp. 81-85. (only recto )
  • Philip W. Comfort, David P. Barrett (Eds.): The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts: A Corrected, Enlarged Edition of The Complete Text of the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts. Tyndale House, Wheaton, 2001, pp. 646-647.
  • Karl Jaroš: The New Testament based on the oldest Greek manuscripts (CD-Rom) 2.37. 2006, pp. 4079-4090. (Transcription, translation, illustration)
  • Donatella Limongi: 20th NT, Epistula ad Romanos 4.23-5.3; 5.8-13 (MS 113) . In: Rosario Pintaudi (ed.): Papyri Graecae Schøyen (PSchøyen I) (= Manuscripts in The Schøyen Collection V: Greek papyri I / Papyrologica Florentina Volume 35). Edizioni Gonelli, Florence 2005, ISBN 88-7468-026-0 , pp. 65-68, panel XIV.

Web links


  1. Kurt Aland, Barbara Aland: The text of the New Testament. Introduction to the scientific editions and the theory and practice of modern textual criticism. German Bible Society, Stuttgart 1982. ISBN 3-4380-6011-6 , p. 130, ill. P. 70.
  2. Comfort / Barrett, The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts , therefore took them into account in their examination of the oldest manuscripts of the New Testament up to the 3rd century.
  3. Pasquale Orsini, Willy Clarysse: Early New Testament Manuscripts and Their Dates. A Critique of Theological Palaeography. In: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses . 88 (2012), pp. 443-474, especially pp. 465-466 and 472, with e.g. T. clear criticism of Comfort & Barrett and v. a. Jaroš. Van Haelst, however, dated more cautiously to the 3rd or 4th century.