Urbarialgemeinde Apetlon

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Urbarialgemeinde Apetlon
legal form Public corporation
founding 1849
Seat Apetlon ( coordinates: 47 ° 44 ′ 42 ″  N , 16 ° 49 ′ 52 ″  E )
main emphasis The appropriate management of the common property and the achievement of a sustainable, as high as possible yield.
Chair Johann Thell (chairman)
Members 520

The Urbarialgemeinde Apetlon is one of the larger agricultural communities in Austria and the largest agricultural community in Burgenland with a total area of ​​around 1,300 ha . Most of the area is leased to the Neusiedler See-Sewinkel National Park , of which around 300 hectares are water or pipe areas and a further 700 hectares of pasture area where around 350 cattle are raised by cattle farmers. The Urbarialgemeinde cultivates 250 ha of its area itself, among other things as arable land, flowering area, valuable area-red area (WFR) as well as 45 ha as pond farming (in Darscho ).

Word meaning

The word Urbarialgemeinde is derived from the word Urbar , a list of property rights.


In the earliest times, certain forests and pastures were the common property of the settlers ( common land ), which were used jointly as pasture areas, for wood production or for the production of other products. At that time, land lords laid out land lords in the western part of Austria, while in the eastern part of the monarchy the nobility ruled over the Hungarian and Slavic peasants, who were generally far more oppressed than the German peasants.

Maria Theresa introduced the land register constitution in 1768. In 1838 the Hungarian Reichstag passed a land law. Ten years later the Hungarian Revolution came about, which on March 4th, 1849 brought with it a new imperial constitution. On March 17, 1849, a provisional municipal law was passed on the basis of this constitution, in which it was stated in Article I: "The foundation of the free state is the free municipality." and which represents the hour of birth of today's Urbarialgemeinde. Members were registered around 1870, with full , half , quarter and eighth farmers depending on the size of the residence , on which in turn the number of shares depended.

Legal framework

The second part of the Burgenland Land Constitutional Law regulates the basic conditions of agricultural communities in Burgenland . The statutes for agricultural communities (Urbarialgemeinden) were issued by ordinance of May 29, 1971, Zi. V / 1-7069 / 49-71, by the office of the Burgenland provincial government as the agricultural authority of the first instance. The statutes were changed over the years by further regulations.

Agricultural communities in Burgenland are corporations under public law , which are entitled to ownership of the agricultural community real estate. Members of the agricultural community are the owners of those properties to whose ownership share rights in agricultural community land are tied (headquarters properties) as well as persons who are entitled to personal (rolling) share rights. They are listed in the list of partners, which is an appendix to the statutes and is managed by the chairman. Members of the agricultural community have a seat and vote in the general assembly and take part in the use of the community's assets. Depending on the size of their shares in the agricultural community, they have a different number of votes in the general assembly. In addition to the general assembly, the administrative committee and the chairman are organs of the agricultural community. In addition to the chairman, the deputy chairman, the treasurer, the economist and the secretary, the administrative committee consists of six other elected committee members. All members of the administrative committee are elected by the general assembly for a term of five years. The agricultural authority is responsible for overseeing the agricultural communities .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Imperial patent, with which a provisional municipal law is enacted. Retrieved November 27, 2016
  2. Second main part of the law of July 27, 1970 on the regulation of the land constitution (Land constitution law) Website of the legal information system of the Republic of Austria . Retrieved November 5, 2016.