Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin

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Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin (* 1943 ) is a Protestant German theologian , pastoral psychologist and university teacher .


After studying theology in Heidelberg, Berlin, Mainz and Tübingen, Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin worked as a vicar. She completed training in marriage and family counseling in Hanover and Berlin. From 1971 to 1981 she worked as a pastor and consultant / supervisor in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, from 1982 to 1986 as a research assistant at the Institute for Practical Theology at Kiel University with Joachim Scharfenberg . This was followed by studies at the University of Chicago from 1986 to 1987 with a scholarship from the World Council of Churches .

From 1987 to 1988 she was Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Bethany Theological Seminary , Chicago , since 1989 Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Counceling at Christian Theological Seminary , Indianapolis,

Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin is the supervisor of the American Association of Pastoral Councelors , marriage and family counselor and teaching supervisor of the German Society for Pastoral Psychology (DGfP) in the Depth Psychology Section .

Since March 1, 1995, she has been a professor at the Evangelical University for Social Work Dresden ( ehs ). At this university, she was the representative for further education and training, as well as co-head of the “Teaching Practice for Consulting, Supervision and Coaching” . As the first chairwoman she was in charge of the department for advanced and advanced training of ehs eV with “Sofí” , the “social science advanced training institute” .

She now lives in Glashütte in Saxony.

In the international trade association, the "International Council on Pastoral Care and Counseling (ICPCC)" , she was Vice-President from 1999-2004, and President from 2004-2007. During this period the ICPCC held its 2007 congress in Dresden.

In addition to other pastoral psychological topics, she was particularly involved in gender research , international pastoral work and feminist theology .

Participation in professional associations

Works (selection)

Publications in book form

  • Ursula Pasero (Ed.), Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin (Ed.), New Motherhood. Locations. Gütersloh 1986, (= GTB Siebenstern, GTB 577), ISBN 3-579-00577-4 .
  • Anne Carr, Ursula Pfäfflin, Hans Wagemans, et al., Moederschap: ervaring, instituut, theologie: een feminist-theologische bezinning op de econommische, ethische, politieke en kerkelijke implicaties van het moederschap. Hilversum 1989. (= Concilium, 1989)
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, wife and husband. A symbol-critical comparison of anthropological contexts in pastoral care and counseling. Gütersloh 1992, ISBN 3-579-00251-1 . (University thesis: Zugl .: under the title Bilder von Frau und Mann, Kiel, Univ., Diss., 1991)
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, Julia Strecker , wings despite everything. Feminist counseling and counseling. Concept - Methods - Biographies. 2., corr. Edition Gütersloh 1999, ISBN 3-579-03015-9 . (1st edition under the title: Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, wing despite everything, Gütersloh 1998)
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, new decision. A model of psychotherapy.
  • Gender Studies Coordination Office (KoGenS) (Ed.) In collaboration. with the Evangelical University for Social Work Dresden (FH), Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin (project manager), gender in science and everyday life. 1st lecture series by the Gender Studies Coordination Office at the Evangelical University for Social Work Dresden (FH), summer semester 2001: International women's workshop on the topic of women's realities in changed political situations and gender studies (September 14/15, 2001) (conference volume), ISBN 3-932858 -60-3 .
  • Archie Smith, Ursula Riedel-Pfaefflin, Siblings by Choice . Race, Gender, and Violence, 2004, ISBN 0-8272-3456-2 .
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfaefflin, Julia Strecker, wings for everyone. Feminist pastoral care and counseling, conception - methods - biographies (extended new edition), Münster, Daedalus, 2011, ISBN 978-3-89126-189-7 .

Articles in compilations (selected)

  • Ursula Pfäfflin: Matricide. In: Ursula Pasero (Hrsg.), Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin (Hrsg.): New motherhood. Locations. Gütersloh 1986, (= GTB Siebenstern, GTB 577), ISBN 3-579-00577-4 .
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin: "That she would fly to her place". Feminist pastoral teaching as the art of encounter in transformative time / spaces: interdisciplinary, intergender, intercultural, interreligious , in: Christoph Schneider-Harpprecht (Ed.), Future Perspectives for Pastoral Care and Advice, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2000, ISBN 978-3-7887-1804 -6 , pp. 19-34.
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin: Pastor / Pastoral Care Evangelical , in: Gössmann, E. u. a., Dictionary of Feminist Theology, 2., completely. revised and fundamentally exp. Ed., Gütersloh, 2002, ISBN 3-579-00285-6 .
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, Ruthard Stachowske : Collegial electoral brotherhood. Empowerment through narrative work in reflective teams , in: Helmut Weiß (Hrsg.), Klaus Temme (Hrsg.), “Treasure in earthen vessels. Intercultural perspectives of pastoral care in the face of fragility and destruction ”, (= Ecumenical Studies, Ecumenical Studies, Volume 34), Berlin-Hamburg-London-Münster-Vienna-Zurich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8258-1137-2 . (Documentation on the events of the World Congress of the “International Council on Pastoral Care and Counseling” (ICPCC) in August 2007 in Kreisau / Kryżowa, the former estate of the von Moltke family ).
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin: Designed Kairos. Interreligious pastoral care in events, art and ritual. In: Christian Danz (Hrsg.), Helmut Weiß (Hrsg.), Karl H. Federschmidt (Hrsg.), Klaus Temme (Hrsg.): Handbook Interreligious Pastoral Care. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2010, ISBN 978-3-7887-2448-1 , pp. 97-114.

Article (in selection)

  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin: Motherhood. Experience, institution, theology. (= Concilium , Volume 25, Issue 6) Mainz 1989.
  • Ursula Pfäfflin, Ivan Arzenšek: Mati v patriarhatu: izkušnja in feministična teorija. (Slovenian) In: Znamenje. Volume 20, št.2, 1990, pp. 139–143.
  • Ursula Pfäfflin, Taking Place. Space, Power and Gender , in: Contradictions. Journal for socialist politics in the education, health and social sector , year 2001, issue 80: Main topic: We can do differently - social utopia today.
  • Archie Smith Jr., Ursula Riedel-Pfaefflin, Complexity and Simplicity in Pastoral Care. The Case of Forgiveness , in: American Journal of Pastoral Counseling, ISSN  1094-6098 , Volume 5, Issue 3 & 4, 2002, Pages 295-316.
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, in conversation with Arist von Schlippe , Vom Hungern nach Relationship , in: PiD - Psychotherapie im Dialog, 2004, Issue 5 (2), pages 205–207. doi : 10.1055 / s-2003-814946
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, Appreciating the dignity of the place. Theology as the art of space , in: snake brood. Magazine for women interested in feminism and religion, issue 66 (subject: more than one room - women's rooms), 2009
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfaefflin, Archie Smith, Notes on Diversity and Working Together Across Cultures on Traumatization and Forgiveness. Siblings by Choice , in: Pastoral Psychology, Volume 59, Number 4, August 2010, pp. 457-469.

Video document

  • Angelique Walker-Smith, Karriem Abdullah, Doris Woodruff, Kay Penn: Faces of faith, Two segments from Indianapolis Saturday AM interview TV show. Indianapolis, (Ind.) 1993. (VHS tape footage, English)

Online documents

  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, greeting as President of the “International Council on Pastoral Care and Counseling (ICPCC)” at the “Siblings by Choice” congress. Intercultural Empowerment, Facing Global Processes of Conflicts by Story Telling, Research and Cooperation “(August 4-7, 2007 in Dresden), PDF
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, “I think you puke” - 8 messages from entanglement in addiction systems , in: City of Dresden, equal opportunities officer for women and men in cooperation with the women's and girls' health center MEDEA e. V. (Ed.), Professional handling of EATING DISORDERS in families and professional fields. Documentation for the conference on October 30, 2003 in the German Hygiene Museum Dresden ( PDF )
  • Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin, “It will keep its vitality” (Ez. 18). Multi-generational pastoral care. Multi-generational awareness: Publication of subjective knowledge as power . Lecture on November 9, 2009 ( PDF )

Literature on Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin

  • Adelheid Fiedler (ed.), Kristina Wopat (ed.): Justice and healing. Networked realities; an interdisciplinary commemorative publication for Prof. Dr. Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin on her 65th birthday. Grimma 2008, ISBN 978-3-940167-27-9 . (Contributions partly in German, partly in English, contains a bibliography on Ursula Riedel-Pfäfflin (pp. 239–243))

Web links