Ute Krautkremer

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Ute Krautkremer (* 1958 ) is a German sculptor, painter and object artist .


Ute Krautkremer studied from 1979 to 1988 at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz with a focus on plastic and ceramics with Professors Volz , Hemrich and Ellwanger with a university degree for teaching in art and art history. Since 1990 she had her own workshop in Mainz and since 1999 a studio in Spay .


One focus of her artistic activity is " Art in Architecture ". In the works created between 1984 and 2009, Krautkremer's artistic development showed an increasing shift from figurative sculpture to the freely chosen form made of paper, embedded in a painterly image carrier . In her “object boxes” she creates illusions of space that seem to be caused by light and shadow.

In her current artistic work (2010/2011) she deals with traces and structures of her immediate surroundings; Structures of cultural origin, such as forms of decoration and order from the most diverse (also banal) contexts, i.e. artificial traces left by humans, but also structures directly from nature. With these works, she reveals traces of time that associate the interplay of "life - decay or bloom - withering". Their intention is to make things visible outside of their usual experience and to enable an associative view triggered by feeling.

Prizes and awards


On the occasion of their special exhibition at the Künstlerbahnhof Ebernburg , the Allgemeine Zeitung , Mainz wrote on February 15, 2016 as follows: "Ute Krautkremer works with relics of everyday material culture as well as with found objects from nature - branches, tree trunks, reeds. The change in these objects, their dissolution and their disintegration are in the foreground in the artistic processing, whereby the artist often works with paper impressions. Combined as negative forms with strict geometric shapes and surfaces and sparingly contrasted in color, these are placed in a new context and given a new level of meaning concrete and familiar with their plasticity, but develop their own abstract quality through the materiality of the paper cast and further processing. Other found objects - detached from their composite - become purely formal elements that are transferred into new orders. The interaction of chance and planned order tion mediates between natural, artificial and artistic processes. The artistic concern is not the reproduction of reality, but the connection of image and abstraction, which enables the viewer to make his own new associations. "

Literature (selection)

  • Art in architecture project 2002 , Dienheim elementary school
  • Entry in Saur's artist lexicon , vol x, 2004
  • Art profile , art magazine , 03/2009, artist portrait
  • Art & Graphic , art magazine, 04/2009, artist portrait
  • 4th Cave Biennale , catalog for the exhibition in Gera / Thuringia
  • Plastic works , catalog for the exhibition, Galerie Förster, Berlin 2010
  • Works on paper 2005–2009 , catalog for the 25th anniversary of the exhibition
  • Scripturale , catalog for the 2009/2010 exhibition series by GEDOK
  • Sophia , catalog for the exhibition and Dr. Theobald Simon Art Prize, Women's Museum Bonn 2011
  • "KM570", artist catalog of the Kunstverein Mittelrhein e. V. 2011
  • Art on the Middle Rhine, 2013 artist portrait
  • "KM570", 10 years Kunstverein Mittelrhein, 2003–2013
  • Works on paper 2009–2014, catalog for the 30th anniversary of the exhibition
  • Kunsttage Winningen, 2012/2014 exhibition catalog
  • Pfalzpreis Plastik , catalog for the exhibition in the MPK Pfalzgalerie, KL 2014
  • 8th Paper Triennial Charmey , CH, exhibition catalog 2014

Web links