Uwe Knickrehm

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Uwe Knickrehm (born June 18, 1947 in Hamburg ) is a former student functionary in Germany and was most recently managing director of the Federal Association of Wind Energy Operators Offshore eV (BWO). In the 1970s and 1980s he was a student functionary and political activist in MSB and DKP .


Knickrehm grew up in Hamburg and completed a teaching degree at the University of Hamburg , where he organized the first strike at the Pedagogical Institute in 1968 as a member of the student council . He was a member of the federal board of the Marxist Student Union Spartakus (MSB) and the first general student committee (AStA) led by SHB and MSB . In 1975 he was elected to the board of the United German Student Unions (VDS). From 1982 to 1986 Knickrehm was federal chairman of the MSB Spartakus.

From 1984 Knickrehm was in the German Communist Party (DKP) as a board member responsible for elections and electoral alliances. In the same year he was a co-founder and one of the speakers on the board of the electoral alliance The Peace List , which took part in several national elections in the mid-1980s. The new political line introduced in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev from 1985 onwards also led the DKP to question earlier positions. These contradictions became particularly clear at the 1986 Hamburg party congress. Knickrehm was one of the initiators of the recently founded current of "innovators" within the DKP. After the Karlsruhe party congress in 1989, Knickrehm left the DKP and later distanced himself from the positions of communism.

In 1991 Knickrehm founded the IT hardware company Laptop Partner GmbH with branches in Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf. After the company's bankruptcy in 1999, he became an employee of the green member of the Bundestag Kerstin Müller in 2001 and office manager for the green member of the Bundestag Ulrike Höfken in 2003 .

In 2005 he switched to the energy supply company EnBW , where he was responsible for public affairs in the field of renewable energies and CO 2 in its Berlin agency . The focus of his work was the switch from grandfathering to benchmarking in CO 2 certificate trading as well as the implementation of the so-called "compression model" in offshore wind subsidies according to the Renewable Energy Sources Act .

From 2012 Knickrehm worked as a freelance consultant for EnBW and the Spanish company Iberdrola Renovables . From 2015 to January 2020 he was managing director of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Offshore Windenergie eV (AGOW), since 2017 renamed the Bundesverband der Windparkbetreiber Offshore e. V. (BWO).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Proverbs and contradictions. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  2. Answer of the Federal Government to the minor question from the Member of Parliament Vogel (Ennepetal), Dr. Miltner, Dr. Klein (Göttingen), Dr. Fuchs and the CDU / CSU parliamentary group. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  3. Peter Schindler: Data Handbook on the History of the German Bundestag: 1949 to 1999 . Ed .: Nomos Verlag. tape 1 . Baden-Baden 1999, p. 110 .
  4. Frank Decker, Viola Neu (ed.): Handbook of German political parties Springer-Verlag, 2013, p. 299 . ISBN 978-3-658009632
  5. Knickrehm is the managing director of AGOW. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  6. Offshore wind power: Knickrehm: "The expansion cover is long out of date". Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  7. Uwe Knickrehm. In: bwo2018. Accessed February 16, 2020 .