Václav Dušek

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Václav Dušek (born September 2, 1944 in Prague ) is a Czech prose writer and scenarioist.


Dušek learned to paint and later was a teacher at the folk high school, wrote scripts, was a dramaturge and editor. Young adults play a role in his prose works, often from problematic family backgrounds who are looking for a firm foothold in the world but who easily slip to the margins of society. His first four books are linked by his autobiographical hero Tadeaš Falk.


In his novel Panna nebo orel (Virgo or Eagle), published in 1974, he describes the story of a boy who, because of his self-sacrificing love for a girl, is excluded from the clique of contemporaries who live on the verge of legality and is led into an honest life becomes.

The story continues in the published work Druhý dech (Second Breath) (1974). Falk begins a new life by starting a family, fighting for human dignity, trust and recognition and for the love of his stepsister. This book was filmed in 1979 under the title Křehké vztahy (Tender Relationships).

In 1978 he published a collection of stories under the title Tuláci (Vagabonds), which is about a clique of boys in the Karlín district of Prague after the Second World War , which gradually comes into conflict with the law. The television adaptation premiered in 2001.

Dny pro kočku (days for the cat) describes the life of young people in colloquial language, sometimes in a vulgar way. The narrator Tadeáš goes astray and becomes a characterless idler. Only when he falls in love with a young girl does he almost find his way back on the right path. But in the meantime he has been released from his apprenticeship, leaves home and lives on the street. There he met Delfín and Monika, who had fled an orphanage.

Lovec štěstí (Hunters of Happiness) is about a youngster who is released from prison and ultimately starts a new life without success.

Skleněný Golem (The Glass Golem) is about childhood and growing up in the 1950s in the family of an enemy of socialism , in the boarding school of miners' apprentices and in the military.

Dušek also worked on Josef Vinklář's memory book Pokus o kus pravdy (Trying to find a piece of truth) and occasionally translated from Russian and English .

Film adaptations

  • 1982: Vabanquespiel ( concert )
Literary template
  • 1979: Brittle relationships ( Křehké vztahy )

Web links