Valentine de Saint-Point

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Valentine de Saint-Point (1914)

Valentine de Saint-Point (actually Anna Jeanne Valentine Marianne Desglans de Cessiat-Vercell ; * 1875 in Lyon , † 1953 in Cairo ; sometimes also called Rawhiya Nour-ed-Dine ) was a French poet of Futurism .


Valentine de Saint-Point initially worked as a poet and novelist. An important concern of her work was to convey a modern image of women - but she firmly rejected feminism . In the 1910s, she joined the futurist movement as a woman, trying to achieve her goals by revolutionizing theater and dance. In 1924 she moved to Egypt , took the name "Rawhiya Nour-ed-Dine" (= fanatic of the light of faith) and supported the Muslims in the fight against European imperialism . She died in Cairo in 1953 .



  • Poèmes de la mer et du soleil, 1905
  • Trilogie de l'Amour et de la Mort, 1906-1911; (Un Amour, Un Inceste, Une mort)
  • Poèmes d'orgueil, 1908
  • Une femme et le désir, 1910
  • L'Orbe pâle, 1911
  • La Soif et les mirages, 1912


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