Van Beveren

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The van Beveren are a medium-sized breed of rabbits from Belgium . The van Beveren are not recognized as a breed in Germany.

Appearance of the van Beveren

The van Beveren differ from the other rabbits in their physique. The body shape of the van Beveren resembles an inverted mandolin or a pear cut lengthways. The rear part is strongly developed and as wide as it is high, towards the shoulders the body becomes narrower, the ascending line of the back should form a perfect curve. While the hind legs are strong, the front legs are fine. The weight of the van Beveren is 3.5 to 4.5 kg.

History of the breed

The breed comes from Beveren-Waas , little is known about its origin. Sandford mentions the possibility that the van Beveren could have originated from crosses between Blauen Wienern and Blauen von St. Niklaas. The first special show for this breed took place in 1902 . The breed came to Great Britain as early as 1915 , where other varieties of color were bred. Two blows are said to have been brought there, a lighter blow of about 2.5 kg and a heavier one. In Great Britain, other colors quickly emerged, such as a black one ( first shown as "Sitka" in 1919 ) and a brown one.


  • Blue:
Genetically, the blue of the Blauen van Beveren corresponds to the Blauen Wiener, but is bred to be lighter, in principle a nuance between the Blauen Wienern and the Marburger Feh .
  • White van Beveren
White van Beveren are pure white, blue-eyed leucistic animals. In Great Britain and Belgium the red-eyed albino color is also known.
  • Black, registered in Belgium and the UK
  • Pointed Beveren
A British breed that was developed in the twenties in the colors black and blue. Recognized as a breed as Pointed Fox in Great Britain in 1928 , the breed was renamed Pointed Beveren in 1931, but died out again in the 1930s and was bred again in the 1980s. The animals are completely similar in structure and weight to the van Beveren, from which they differ in their white-tipped hair spread over their entire body.


  • Officielle Stadaard van de Konijnen- en Caviarassen recognizing in Belgie, Samengesteld door de Belgische Stadaard Comissie, Sectie Konijnen, Uitgave 1995
  • Standaard van de Konijnenrassen, Cavia´s en kleine Knaagdieren , Nederlandse Konijnenfokkersbond, Venlo, 1990
  • P. Fritz: Belgian rabbit breeds - fascinating and little known, Part 1: Monochrome breeds , in: Der Kleintier- Züchter -Rabbit, 11/2006, ISSN  1613-6357
  • John C. Sandford: The domestic rabbit . 5th edition, Blackwell Science, Oxford 1996, ISBN 0-632-03894-2