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The couperose (syn. Erythrosis facial , "rosacea", en: telangiectatic rosacea ) is a system-related vasodilation ( telangiectasia ) in the area of facial skin. It usually occurs from the age of 30 as an early form of rosacea (also known as copper rose ). Some also use both terms synonymously. It actually only describes the first erythematous-telangiectatic stage of the disease. There must be a constitutional weakness of the connective tissue . The female sex is affected slightly more often than the male.

In the early stages, there is only a temporary reddening mainly on the nose and cheeks . If it occurs more than once, however, the reddening persists longer due to congestion in the capillaries . These congestion then lead to permanent vasodilation. Protuberances and branches even lead to the formation of new vessels, which however have reduced elasticity and increased permeability. This explains the permanent reddening, the strong expression of the vascular network and the leakage of blood into the surrounding tissue. While the light red tone dominates in telangiectasias, since the arterial vessels are affected, one speaks of venectasia when the venous onesVessels are affected; the skin then has a bluish tinge. A mixed form is possible.

Avoiding saunas , sun, strong temperature fluctuations, alcohol, spicy food, coffee and black tea is advisable in case of illness.

Metronidazole or other creams containing antibiotics are usually used for treatment . For cosmetic beautification, laser therapy can be done, through which the translucent veins are desolated.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ingrid Moll: Dermatology. (= Dual row). 6th edition. Thieme, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-13-126686-4 , p. 479 f.