Venetian nationalism

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Veneto is not Italy ( Veneto is Italy ) - poster from the local election campaign in 2009

Venetian nationalism ( Italian venetismo ) is a political ideology and a regionalist political movement that calls for greater autonomy or even the independence of the Italian region of Veneto and works for the rediscovery of the cultural heritage and the language of the Republic of Venice .

Representatives of the hard core of the Veneto movement see Veneto as a different nation from Italy and question the validity of the referendum through which Veneto became part of the Italian nation-state in 1866 . Some, like the Veneto National Party / Veneto Stato, are campaigning for a new referendum on the independence of Veneto, a country that would include all the territories of the historic Republic of Venice ( Serenissima Repubblica ), i.e. today's Veneto , Friuli-Venezia Giulia , some areas the Lombardy ( Brescia , Bergamo , Crema and part of the province of Mantua ) and part of the Trentino .

In January 2012, the Veneto Stato group carried out a survey according to which over 53% of the residents of the Veneto region would vote for the independence of their region in a fictitious referendum.

Countless organizations have emerged since 1979 that cover the entire bandwidth of the political spectrum (groups that are still active are shown in bold):

  • Liga Veneta (LV - founded 1979, part of Lega Nord since 1991)
  • Liga Federativa Veneta (LFV - founded 1983, part of the MVRA since 1987)
  • Liga Veneta Serenissima (LVS - founded in 1984, part of the UPV since 1987)
  • Veneto Serenissimo Governo (VSG - founded 1987, still active)
  • Movimento Veneto Regione Autonoma (MVRA - founded 1987, part of LVR / VdE since 2000)
  • Unione del Popolo Veneto (UPV - founded 1987, part of LV since 1995)
  • Lega Autonomia Veneta (LAV - founded in 1991, part of MNE since 1997)
  • Liga Nathion Veneta (LNV - founded in 1994, dissolved soon after)
  • Unione Nord-Est (UNE - founded in 1996, briefly part of LVR / VdE in 1999)
  • Movimento Nord-Est (MNE - founded 1997, part of I Democratici since 1999 )
  • Liga Veneta Repubblica / Veneti d'Europa (LVR / VdE - founded in 1998, part of LFV since 2002)
  • Veneto Padania Repubblica Federale (VRFP - founded in 1999, dissolved soon after)
  • Liga dei Veneti (LdV - founded in 1999, part of the PNE since 2004)
  • Autogoverno del Popolo Veneto - Stato delle Venetie (APV - founded in 1999, still active)
  • Veneto Futura (VF - founded in 1999 as part of ApE, part of LVR / VdE since 2000)
  • Fronte Marco Polo (FMP - founded in 1999, part of the LFV since 2002)
  • Liga Fronte Veneto / Liga Veneta Repubblica (LFV / LVR - founded in 2002, merger of LVR / VdE and FMP)
  • Partito Autonomista Bellunese (PAB - founded in 2003, joined the PdV in 2009)
  • Veneto Libero (VL ​​- founded in 2004, joined the PdV in 2009)
  • Progetto Nord-Est (PNE - founded 2004)
  • Terra Veneta (TV - founded 2006)
  • Movimento Veneti (MV - founded in 2006, joined the PdV in 2009)
  • Stato Veneto (SV - founded in 2007, joined the PdV in 2009)
  • Intesa Veneta (IV - founded 2007)
  • Partito Nazionale Veneta (PNV - founded in 2007, part of VS since 2010)
  • Movimento Popolare Veneto (MPV - founded 2008)
  • Unitá Popołare Veneta (UPV - founded in 2008, part of the PdV since 2009)
  • Forum dei Veneti (FdV - founded 2008)
  • Lega Lombardo Veneta (LLV - founded 2008)
  • Indipendenza Veneta (IV - founded in 2009, part of the PdV since 2010)
  • Venetie per l'Autogoverno (VpA - founded 2009)
  • Veneto Libertà / Partito dei Veneti (founded in 2009, joined the VS in 2010)
  • Liga Veneto Autonomo (LVA - founded 2010)
  • Veneto Stato (VS - founded 2010)
  • Lega Democratica Comunitaria (LDC - founded 2011)

Individual evidence
