Vera Negri Zamagni

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Vera Negri Zamagni (born September 23, 1943 ) is an Italian economic historian whose focus has been on Italian economic history since the unification of Italy. Until a few years ago she published as Vera Zamagni .

Vera Negri graduated from the Catholic University of Milan in 1966 . In her work she dealt with Catholic journalism from 1890 to 1904 in the economic and social field. In 1968 she married Stefano Zamagni . From 1969 to 1973 she studied as a postgraduate at Oxford University , where she received her doctorate. In her thesis on economic history, which she presented in 1976, she examined the regional differences in Italy in 1911.

She then taught at the Universities of Trieste (1975–1979), Florence (1979–1987), Bologna (1987–1990), Cassino (1990–1993), and finally at the Faculty of Economics in Bologna since 1993. There she taught general Economic history, then the history of industry, finance, and finally the history of institutions and the economic history of tourism. Since 1973/74 she has been visiting professor for European economic history at the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University .

She is the founder and until 2001 co-editor of the European Review of Economic History , which has been published by Cambridge University Press since 1997. She also publishes in magazines such as Il Sole 24 Ore .

From 1989 to 1993 she was chairman (segretaria) of the Società Italiana degli Storici dell'Economia , then a member of Comitato 10 del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (1994–1999) and head of the Bolognese branch of the Banca d'Italia (1996–2000). She sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Associazione ASSI , which deals with corporate history, as well as in the history working group of the Il Mulino publishing house in Bologna. She is also a corresponding member of the Deputazione di Storia patria per le Province di Romagna . In 2001 she received an honorary professorship from the Swedish University of Umeå . Since 1998 she has been the segretaria scientifica of the Bolognese cultural institute Veritatis Splendor .

Publications (selection)

  • Industrializzazione e squilibri regionali in Italia. Bilancio dell'età giolittiana , Il Mulino, Bologna 1978.
  • La distribuzione commerciale in Italia fra le due guerre , Franco Angeli, Milan 1981.
  • Dalla periferia al centro. La seconda rinascità economica dell'Italia, 1861-1981 , Il Mulino, Bologna 1990, 2nd edition 1993 (English: The Economic History of Italy 1860-1990 , Clarendon Press, Oxford 1993).
  • Italy: How to lose the war and win the peace , in Mark Harrison (Ed.): The Economics of World War II. Six great powers in international comparison , Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 177-223.
  • Il debito pubblico italiano 1861-1946: ricostruzione di una serie storica , in: Rivista di Storia Economica 3 (1998) 207-242.
  • Dalla rivoluzione industriale all'integrazione europea , Il Mulino, Bologna 1999 (span. 2001).
  • (Ed.): Povertà e innovazioni istituzionali in Italia dal Medioevo ad oggi , Il Mulino, Bologna 2000.
  • Salari e profitti nell'industria italiana tra decollo industriale e anni '30 , in: Sergio Zaninelli, Mario Taccolini (eds.): Il lavoro come fattore produttivo e come risorsa nella storia economica italiana. Atti del Convegno di studi, Roma, November 24, 2000 , Vita e Pensiero, Milan 2002, pp. 234-254.
  • with Patrizia Battilani, Antonio Casali: La cooperazione di consumo in Italia. Centocinquant'anni della Coop consumatori: dal primo spaccio a leader della moderna distribuzione , Il Mulino, Bologna 2004, pp. 423-522.
  • Italcementi. Dalla leadership nazionale all'internazionalizzazione , Arti grafiche, Bergamo 2005.
  • with Louis Galambos, Takashi Hikino (Ed.): The Global Chemical Industry in the Age of the Petrochemical Revolution , Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  • Introduzione alla Storia economica d'Italia , Il Mulino, Bologna 2007.
  • with Stefano Zamagni: La cooperazione , Il Mulino, Bologna 2008.
  • nut Stefano Zamagni: Famiglia e lavoro , San Paolo, Milan 2012.
  • nut Germana Albertani, Carlo De Maria, Tito Menzani: Una Storia Globale - Storia, Economia e Società , Mondadori Education, Bologna 2015.
  • An Economic History of Europe Since 1700 , Agenda Publishing, 2016.


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