Vera von Falkenhausen

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Vera von Falkenhausen in the Biblioteca Liciniana

Vera von Falkenhausen (born February 19, 1938 ) is a German Byzantinist who lives and teaches in Italy.


Vera von Falkenhausen studied Byzantine Studies at the University of Munich , where she received her doctorate in 1966 under Hans-Georg Beck . From 1968 to 1970 she was a fellow at the Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies in Washington, DC Since 1970 she has been a member of the German Historical Institute in Rome. From 1974 she taught Byzantine history and philology as a lecturer in Pisa , as a professor in Potenza , in Chieti and finally in Rome . She has been retired since 2007.

Since completing her doctorate, she has been researching various aspects of Byzantine rule in southern Italy and Sicily. The analysis and edition of Greek documents takes a large part. Since 2006 she has been the editor of the Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania for the Associazione Nazionale per gli Autovermietung del Mezzogiorno d'Italia , which was founded in 1931 by Paolo Orsi and Umberto Zanotti Bianco . She is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal Nea Rhome, which has been published since 2004 .

From 2010 to 2012 she was chairwoman of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini .

Fonts (selection)

  • Studies on Byzantine rule in southern Italy from the 9th to the 11th century. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1967 (= writings on the intellectual history of eastern Europe. Volume 1; = dissertation Munich 1966).
    • Extended Italian edition: La dominazione bizantina nell'Italia meridionale dal IX all'XI secolo . Bari 1978.
  • I ceti dirigenti prenormanni al tempo della costituzione degli stati normanni nell'Italia meridionale e in Sicilia. In: Forme di potere e struttura sociale in Italia nel Medioevo. Bologna 1977, pp. 321-377.
  • On the language of the medieval Greek documents from southern Italy and Sicily. In: La cultura in Italia from Tardo Antico e Alto Medioevo. Atti del Convegno tenuto a Roma (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, November 12-16, 1979). Vol. II, Rome 1981, pp. 611-618.
  • The cities in Byzantine Italy. In: Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome. Moyen Âge 101/2 (1989), pp. 401-464 ( online ).
  • Gregor von Burtscheid and Greek monasticism in Calabria. In: Roman quarterly for Christian antiquity and church history. 93 (1998), pp. 215-250.
  • On the reign of Countess Adelasia del Vasto in Calabria and Sicily (1101–1112). In: Aetos. Studies in honor of Cyril Mango presented to him on April 14, 1998. Stuttgart-Leipzig 1998, pp. 87–115.
  • Greek officials in the duana de secretis of Palermo. A prosopographical investigation. In: Between Polis, Province and Periphery. Contributions to Byzantine history and culture. Wiesbaden 2005, pp. 381-411.
  • The South Italian Sources. In: Byzantines and Crusaders in Non-Greek Sources, 1025-1204. Oxford 2007 (Proceedings of the British Academy, 132), pp. 95-121.
  • Ostrich eggs in medieval Campania. In: Ot Zargrada do Belogo Morja. Sbornik statej posrednevekovomu iskustsvu v čest EC Smirnovoj. Moscow 2007, pp. 581-598.
  • Roads and traffic in Byzantine southern Italy (6th to 11th centuries). In: The world of European roads from antiquity to the early modern period. Cologne-Weimar-Vienna 2009, pp. 219–237.
  • The confusion of languages ​​- who has the last word? Linguistic diversity in a sacred and profane context. In: A. Wieczorek, B. Schneidmuller, S. Weinfurter: Die Staufer and Italy. Three regions of innovation in medieval Europe. I. Essays. Mannheim 2010, pp. 341-347.
  • Adalbert of Prague and Greek monasticism in Italy. In: Italy – Central Germany – Poland. History and culture in a European context from the 10th to the 18th century. Leipzig 2013 (Writings on Saxon History and Folklore, 42), pp. 39–56.
  • The Jews in Byzantine southern Italy and Sicily (6th – 11th centuries). In: Studies on medieval Judaism in the Byzantine cultural area: Southern Italy and Sicily, Constantinople and Crete. Arye Maimon Institute for the History of the Jews: Studies and Texts, Trier 2013, pp. 9–36.


  • Ἀμπελοκήπιον. Studi di amici e colleghi in onore di Vera von Falkenhausen. In: Νέα Ῥώμη / Nea Rhome. Rivista di ricerche bizantinistiche, I: 1, 2004 (there p. 7–22: Bibliografìa di Vera von Falkenhausen ); II: ibid., 2, 2005; III: ibid., 3, 2006; IV: ibid., 4, 2007. (Tables of contents online: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 )

Web links


  1. ^ Byzantine Fellows List, 1960 to 1970 .
  2. ^ Direzione e redazione