Association of Dance Teachers in Austria

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Association of Dance Teachers Austria
legal form Association
( ZVR : 582092536)
founding October 7, 1953
Seat Vienna , Austria
precursor Association of Dance Masters of Austria
Chair Klaus Höllbacher (President),
Juanita Hiebe-Tomio, Fabian Horn (Vice Presidents)
Members over 400

The Association of Dance Teachers Austria (VTÖ) is the umbrella organization of Austrian dance teachers. He represents the interests of the dance teachers, organizes training courses and congresses and coordinates joint advertising and PR campaigns.


The VTÖ was founded in 1953, it emerged from the Association of Dance Masters Austria. Its first president was Leopold Schmidtschläger, and Rudolf Reichert was his successor in 1960. In 1965 Emmerich Wagner was elected President and held the office until 1983. From 1983 to 1998, the General Assembly of the VTÖ elected Klaus Mühlsiegel as President. From 1998 to 2001 Otto Huber took over the function. From 2001 Wolfgang Wagner took over the presidency. After his untimely death, Eddy Franzens took over the role of president. Klaus Höllbacher has been the new President of the Austrian Dance Teachers Association since summer 2018


  • President Klaus Höllbacher
  • 1. Vice-President Juanita Hieble-Tomio
  • 2nd Vice President Fabian Horn
  • Secretary Julia Furtenbacher
  • Treasurer Manfred Zehender

Association structure

The VTÖ is the Austrian professional representation of dance teachers. In addition to representing its members, the VTÖ organizes an annual dance teachers' congress. The VTÖ works closely with the Dance Teaching Academy of the Association of Dance Teachers Vienna to train new dance teachers. In addition to the VTÖ Presidium, there are several VTÖ officers for special areas. In addition, each federal state has its own regional association for regional tasks. The VTÖ is a member of the worldwide association of the World Dance Council , as well as a member of the EDC (European Dance Council). Honorary members are:

The dance teacher associations are structured differently in the individual federal states. The dance teacher law is a matter for the respective federal states and is subject to the state law. There are strict laws in Styria and Vienna, but it has been completely repealed in Burgenland. The training of dance teachers and dance masters has been transferred to the Association of Dance Schools in Vienna and is carried out centrally for all of Austria in the dance teaching academy.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Styrian Dance School Act 2014
  3. ^ Vienna Dance School Act 1996
  4. LGBl. 39/2017
  5. Archived copy ( Memento of the original dated December 31, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /