Association of Adult Education Centers of Rhineland-Palatinate

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Logo of the German Adult Education Association and the Association of Adult Education Centers of Rhineland-Palatinate

The Association of Adult Education Centers of Rhineland-Palatinate eV is the interest and professional association of the 72 adult education centers in Rhineland-Palatinate recognized according to the Rhineland-Palatinate Continuing Education Act . The seat of the association is the Rhineland-Palatinate state capital Mainz . The association was founded on November 20, 1948 in Worms .

Members and funding

The work of the Verband der Volkshochschulen von Rheinland-Pfalz eV is funded by the State of Rhineland-Palatinate. The association represents its member institutions at state and federal level and is a member of the German Adult Education Association (dvv) and the state advisory board for further education in Rhineland-Palatinate.

The 72 adult education centers in Rhineland-Palatinate, together with around 250 other branches, form a comprehensive network of locally and regionally anchored continuing education institutions close to home.


The association supports, networked and designed training in the area of land Rhineland-Palatinate. The main tasks of the association are the development of principles and guidelines for the work of the adult education centers, the advice and support of its members and the further and advanced training for the management, administrative and educational staff as well as the course leaders.

The tasks of the Association of Adult Education Centers consist in particular of representing the interests of its member institutions vis-à-vis the state parliament, the state government, the authorities and the public. It promotes the exchange of experience and networking with German and foreign educational institutions. It offers the vhs employees and lecturers in Rhineland-Palatinate an extensive range of advanced training courses. The association promotes and accompanies quality development processes in adult education centers. It is also the examination center in Rhineland-Palatinate for internationally recognized examinations at adult education centers in the areas of languages ​​and vocational training and provides support in the areas of public relations and marketing.

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