German Adult Education Association

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Logo of the German Adult Education Association

The German Adult Education Association e. V. ( DVV ) is the umbrella organization for the 16 VHS regional associations and the almost 900 adult education centers in Germany. The DVV is the largest German umbrella organization for continuing education and sees itself as a professional association as well as a representative of the interests of adult education centers and their regional associations at the federal, European and international level. The aim is to promote further training and educational work in adult education centers.

The association's decision-making bodies are the general assembly, the members' council and the executive board. The latter has a president, since 2015 Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer , and a chair, since May 2019 Martin Rabanus . The federal office of the DVV is in Bonn .

The DVV is the main shareholder of the Adolf Grimme Institute and the sole shareholder of telc gGmbH , the examination center for European language certificates.

The DVV is also a member of the European Movement Network .

With its institute dvv international , the German Adult Education Association is also active internationally in the field of adult education.

Theodor Bäuerle was president of the DVV from 1953 , his successor was Hellmut Becker from 1956 to 1974, who was then chairman of the board of trustees of the DVV pedagogical office. From 1988 until June 23, 2015, Rita Süssmuth was President of the DVV. At the 57th General Assembly, which took place in Saarbrücken at the invitation of the Saarland Regional Association, the then Prime Minister of Saarland, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer , was elected President.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. VHS statistics of the German Institute for Adult Education for the 2016 working year , p. 11, last accessed: November 7, 2018.
  2. n-tv : Adult Education Centers demand teaching of digital skills , May 8, 2019, last accessed: December 9, 2019.
  3. Saarbrücker Zeitung from June 24, 2015 .