Association of municipal employers' associations

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The Association of Municipal Employers 'Associations ( VKA ) is the collective bargaining umbrella organization of municipal administrations and companies in Germany, which are divided into the state associations known as the Municipal Employers' Association (KAV). As a party to the collective bargaining agreement, the VKA regulates the working conditions for municipal employees and concludes collective agreements with the responsible public service unions. It represents the collective bargaining and labor law interests of around 10,000 municipal employers with over 2 million employees. Since August 1, 2017, the VKA has its headquarters in Berlin.


Members are the municipal employers' associations in the federal states. The individual municipal employers are connected to these. These include cities, municipalities and districts, hospitals and care facilities, savings banks, supply and disposal companies, local transport companies and airports.

The President of the VKA is the Lord Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Lüneburg Ulrich Mädge. The general manager is Niklas Benrath.

Collective bargaining rounds

The VKA conducts the collective bargaining rounds for the public service of the federal government and municipalities together with the federal government (represented by the Federal Ministry of the Interior) and the ver.di and dbb tarifunion unions . The result are agreements on salary increases, working hours and other regulations of the collective agreement for the public service . Private, church and non-profit employers are also guided by the collective bargaining results for the public service.

Collective agreements

The MCA is collective Party at the following major collective agreements for the public sector in Germany:

  • Federal Employees' Collective Agreement (BAT) of February 23, 1961
  • Federal collective bargaining agreement for municipalities (BMT-G)
  • Collective agreement for utilities (TV-V) of October 5, 2000
  • Collective agreement for the public service (TVöD) of September 13, 2005; For a better overview and readability, the parties to the collective bargaining agreement have created copied versions for the six service areas from the general part of the TVöD and the respective special part in accordance with the process agreement of January 9, 2003:
    • TVöD-V = for administration in the field of VKA
    • TVöD-B = for the service area of ​​nursing and care facilities in the area of ​​the VKA
    • TVöD-E = for the disposal service area in the field of VKA
    • TVöD-F = for the airport service area in the area of ​​the VKA
    • TVöD-K = for the service sector of hospitals in the field of VKA
    • TVöD-S = for the Sparkassen service area in the area of ​​VKA
  • additionally TVöD-SuE = for the social and educational service in the area of ​​the VKA with validity from November 1st, 2009
  • Collective agreement for trainees in the public service (TVAöD) of September 13, 2005
  • Collective agreement to secure the future of hospitals (TV-ZuSi) of 23 August 2005
  • Collective agreement for doctors at municipal hospitals (TV doctors / VKA) dated August 17, 2006

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ VKA: Our member associations
  2. Gabriele Cerff: Public service collective bargaining law: Federation, municipalities, states, TV doctors
  3. Collective agreement for utilities (TV-V) in the version of the 7th amendment of the collective agreement of January 1, 2010 . VKA website. Retrieved January 24, 2011.
  4. Collective agreements for trainees and interns in the public service. Website of the VKA. Retrieved January 24, 2011.
  5. Collective agreement to secure the future of hospitals (TV ZUSI) of August 23, 2005 ( Memento of the original of November 28, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . VKA website. Retrieved January 24, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. TV Doctors / VKA in the version dated May 1, 2010 . VKA website. Retrieved January 24, 2011.