Publishing house Dr. Friedrich Arrow

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Publishing house Dr. Friedrich Arrow
founding   1982
Seat   Munich
publisher   Friedrich Arrow
Publisher number   978-3-89937
genus   Science publisher

The publishing house Dr. Friedrich Pfeil , or Pfeil Verlag for short , is a science publisher based in Munich . It was founded in 1982 by Friedrich Pfeil and is one of the most important publishers for paleontological and geological specialist literature in German and English.


The publishing house was founded in 1982 as Verlag Pfeil by Friedrich Pfeil, after he had completed his studies in biology, chemistry and paleontology. The publisher's first publication was Pfeil's dissertation, which appeared in 1983 in the first series of publications Palaeo Ichthyologica . The title drawing of the book is still the logo of the Pfeil Verlag. Hubert Hilpert has been working as an editor and designer for the publishing house since 1992. In 2002, Pfeil's son Markus took over the advertising and sales departments.


The main focus of Pfeil Verlag is on palaeontological and geological publications, but it also publishes works from other geosciences and life sciences, archeology and philosophy . The publisher also has a number of novels and folklore books in its range. The two most important scientific program series are the Palaeo Ichyologica , which has been published since 1983, and the Munich Geoscientific Treatises , which have been published since 1984 . The Pfeil Verlag publishes several specialist journals, including the Ichthyological exploration of Freshwaters , which has been published since 1990 . A number of handbooks have also been published by Pfeil Verlag, including the Textbook of Paleozoology , the Atlas of Comparative Invertebrate Embryology and The Miocene Mammals of Europe .

In addition to its specialist range, the Pfeil Verlag also publishes numerous popular science publications. The series of walks through geological history is of particular importance, presenting various regions of Germany , Austria and Spain from a geological point of view in 35 volumes .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Heinrich Pfeil: Dental morphological investigations on recent and fossil sharks of the orders Chlamydoselachiformes and Echinorhiniformes . In: Palaeo Ichthyologica . Pfeil, Munich 1983, ISBN 978-3-923871-00-1 .
  2. a b c Verlag - Pfeil Verlag , Retrieved March 3, 2018.