Publishing house Gruner + Jahr

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The Gruner + Jahr publishing house
The building complex from a bird's eye view

The publishing house Gruner + Jahr is the branch of the publishing house Gruner + Jahr at Baumall in Hamburg-Neustadt .

Location and description

The building is located on the Vorsetzen east of the Neustäder Neuen Weg at the port of Hamburg . The postal address is Am Baumwall 11 .

The land area covers a total of around 27,750 m². The five-storey building has two components and a tower with seven floors above ground. The building complex with a gross floor area (GFA) of around 69,000 m² consists of several parallel rows that stand on pillars. These are intended to remind of the viaducts of the Hamburger Hochbahn and the cranes in the port of Hamburg . The reinforced concrete skeleton of the office building is clad with zinc sheet ; Integrated railings and portholes represent further maritime elements. The individual buildings are connected to one another by access tracts running across them. This arrangement is to the historical layout of the Gängeviertel trace. Part of the ensemble is also the so-called grain elevator house, classified as a listed building in 1983, which was built between 1923 and 1926. It has a gross floor area of ​​around 4,900 m².

The publishing house Gruner + Jahr announced in December 2016 that it would move its company headquarters to a new building in Hafencity from 2021. In return, the city of Hamburg will buy the 30-year-old property. There is talk of a purchase price of 150 million euros.


A competition preceded the construction of the publishing house in 1983. The architects Gerkan, Marg and Partner had planned a perimeter block development with an internal access passage. However, the design by the architects Steidle & Partner and Kiessler & Partner was preferred . The architects Schweger + Partner took over the construction management and local planning between 1987 and 1990 .

Web links

Commons : Gruner + Jahr Verlagshaus baumall  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. City buys Gruner + Jahr property on Baumwall , city portal, accessed on January 3, 2018
  2. a b Ralf Lange : Architecture in Hamburg - The great architecture guide . 1st edition. Junius Verlag, Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-88506-586-9 , p. 63 .
  3. Gruner + Jahr is moving to Hamburg's HafenCity , press release G + J, accessed on January 3, 2018
  4. ^ Controversy over Gruner + Jahr building: FDP parliamentary group leader Michael Kruse reprimands deal with the city of Hamburg , Meedia from January 4, 2018, accessed on February 23, 2019

Coordinates: 53 ° 32 ′ 43 "  N , 9 ° 58 ′ 45.7"  E