Treaty of Semei

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Nuclear Weapon Free Zones Treaties
Contract (from) region Signatory /
Year signed /
in force
Antarctic Treaty Antarctic 45/45 1959/1961
Tlatelolco Latin America / Caribbean 33/33 1967/1968
Rarotonga South pacific 13/13 1985/1986
Two-plus-four contract former GDR and Berlin 6/5 * 1990/1991
Mongolia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Mongolia 1/1 1992/2000
Bangkok South East Asia 10/10 1995/1997
Pelindaba Africa 53 (54) / 40 1996/2009
Semei Central Asia 5/5 2006/2009
* ratified by all still existing contracting parties (the GDR no longer existed)
Central Asia

The Treaty of Semei is an international treaty that prohibits the testing, stationing, possession, and manufacture of nuclear weapons in Central Asia . It was signed on September 8, 2006 by Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the Kazakh Semei (formerly Semipalatinsk ).


The treaty was created against the declared will of the great powers Russia and the USA . The USA in particular shied away from legally binding restrictions on future weapons stationing and the freedom of movement of its nuclear weapons. Russia, on the other hand, felt alarmed by the presence of the United States in the post-Soviet space. Finally, Russia and the People's Republic of China welcomed the project, while the western nuclear powers insisted on a supplementary agreement that prohibits Russia from undermining the treaty through bilateral agreements .


The signatory states hope that the treaty will improve their security. The calculation is that if your own territories are free of nuclear weapons , they are not worthwhile targets for nuclear attacks either. The contract was in the Kazakh city of Semipalatinsk (the former nuclear weapons test site is under the old Russian name Semipalatinsk known) signed to the nuclear tests of the Soviet Union on a local test site to remember.

country Signed Deposited
KazakhstanKazakhstan Kazakhstan 08 Sep 2006 Nov 26, 2008
KyrgyzstanKyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan 08 Sep 2006 22 Mar 2007
TajikistanTajikistan Tajikistan 08 Sep 2006 Nov 12, 2008
TurkmenistanTurkmenistan Turkmenistan 08 Sep 2006 Apr 19, 2008
UzbekistanUzbekistan Uzbekistan 08 Sep 2006 0Apr 2, 2007

See also