Viborgs och Nyslotts län

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The Viborgs och Nyslotts län was a Län on the eastern border of the Swedish Empire , which existed from 1634 to 1721.

The rulership of the area, which had been contested for centuries between Russia and Sweden, had only completely fallen to Sweden in 1617 in the Peace of Stolbowo . The County was in 1634 in the wake of of Axel Oxenstierna carried out administrative reform from parts of the landscapes of Karelia and Savo created and existed as an administrative unit until 1721, when Sweden a large part of the territory in the Treaty of Nystad to the Russian Empire ceded. The remaining areas were reorganized in Kymmenegårds och Nyslotts län , the part that fell to Russia was part of Old Finland until 1812 .

The Viborgs och Nyslotts län was named after its two largest cities Viborg (German Wiburg , today Russian Wyborg ) and Nyslott (today's Savonlinna in Eastern Finland).