Victor Madsen

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Victor Madsen (born March 2, 1865 in Copenhagen , † July 16, 1947 ) was a Danish geologist and paleontologist .

Madsen studied applied science at the Polytechnic in Copenhagen with the candidate degree in 1887. After that he was first a chemist in a brewery. From 1889 he was initially an assistant at the Danish State Geological Institute (Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse). From 1892 he was state geologist there and director from 1913. In 1937 he retired. He had studied paleontology in Berlin in 1891/92 and in Munich in 1895/96 and turned in particular to micropalaeontology. In 1895 he received his doctorate in Copenhagen with the work The Foraminifera of the Ice Age in Denmark and Holstein . Quaternary geology was one of his main areas of research. From 1896 to 1904 he lectured at the University of Copenhagen. In 1928, on his initiative, the International Quaternary Association INQUA was founded in Copenhagen . In the 1920s he also initiated a geophysical survey of Denmark, primarily to find deposits.

He also devoted himself to popular science dissemination of geological knowledge, wrote numerous articles and lectured throughout Denmark and was secretary of the Adult Education Association and editor of the magazine Frem . He was honorary chairman of the Danish Geological Society (Dansk Geologisk Forening) and in August 1912 was one of the 34 founding members of the Paleontological Society .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Palaeontological Journal 1, Issue 1, March 1914