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legal form AG
founding 1954
Seat Harsefeld
  • CEO: Dirk Viebrock, Lars Viebrock
  • Board of Directors: Lars Viebrock, Wolfgang Werner, Sebastian Klare, Nils Mittermaier
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Jens Freudenberg
Number of employees about 1000
sales 273 million euros (2017)
Branch construction

The Viebrockhaus AG with more than 31,000 houses built one of the largest solid house maker in Germany. The family company is headquartered in Harsefeld in the Stade district . Viebrockhaus AG is represented at five German locations with model house parks and at nine locations with advisory offices. A total of around 1000 people are employed.


Master bricklayer Gustav Viebrock (1929 - 2019) founded the company in 1954. The first type house V1 was built in 1962. In 1995, franchise partners built the first Viebrock houses outside of Lower Saxony. In 2004 all Viebrock houses were certified by DIN-CERTCO. In 2005 Viebrockhaus AG introduced the construction of houses in winter under a large heated tent. In 2008, Florian Langenscheidt featured Viebrockhaus as one of the 100 most important technology companies in the “Energy Technologies of the Future” compendium . In 2010 the first certified passive house came onto the market. Viebrockhaus is converting its fleet to electric vehicles in 2015. With the “Wohnidee-Haus 2015”, the company is building “Efficiency House 40” , the best KfW standard at the time , which in 2016 will become the new efficiency standard for all new buildings. Since 2016, three times in a row, Viebrockhaus has been the sole overall winner of the fairness study by “Focus-Money”.

Company locations

Viebrockhaus AG is also represented in the Netherlands . The company has over 50 show homes in northern and central Germany, including 21 in the Bad Fallingbostel show home park . One of the model houses was designed by the designer Jette Joop . The large sampling centers are located in the Bad Fallingbostel model house park and in the Kaarst model house park.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Jörg Dammann: "Great Cinema" at Viebrock . In: Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt dated January 8, 2018, accessed on November 27, 2019
  3. ^ Announcement on company website from January 17, 2018
  4. Jette Joop as an architect - An off-the-peg villa